Chapter Twenty-Four: Psych-

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"Drake? Drake?!" Trent yelled over and over at Drake's nearly unconscious body. 
Drake's eyes were rolled back and his mouth was hung open. Before he passed out, Trent had witnessed him screaming and writhing on the ground in pain spontaneously, without any warning. Now, Drake was unresponsive except a gurgling sound from his mouth. 
Drake had been whimpering; scratching and pulling at his skin on his arms and face. The only way he stopped was when Trent pulled his arms away from him, pushing them onto the ground. 

After about a minute of yelling Drake's name at him and shaking him, Trent picked him up the best that he could. Bridal style, he carried Drake to their short destination. He tried to pick up any sort of sign of consciousness from the boy, but there wasn't any. He was out cold. 

When Trent got to the outer fences of the neighborhood, he found an opening between them and passed through, careful not to hit Drake's head on a fence. As soon as he came through he saw Michael's red car parked by a random house, and Michael almost immediately climbed out of the car.
"What the hell happened?" He yelled while Charles got out on the other side.
"I'll tell you in the car, just get him in the backseat." Trent nodded at the backseat door.
After a beat, Michael pulled the car door open and helped Trent position Drake in the backseat so he is sitting up. Trent ran to the other side and buckled the seatbelt around him and looked towards Michael, "Let's go."

"What happened to him?" Michael asked once again, anxiously looking between the rearview mirror and the road in front of him.
"I'm not a hundred percent sure," Trent was trying to steady his breath but it was proving difficult. He ran his hand through his hair and exhaled.
"Try to explain..but please make sure he has a pulse first." Charles was craning his neck to see Drake easier. In response, Trent put two fingers on Drake's neck for his pulse. There was a slow pulse pushing back on him. "Found it." He blurted.
Sighing, Trent began, "He was just fine-" Suddenly, Trent felt his eyes become wet. He had forgotten how afraid he was when Drake started freaking out. 

"He started yelling out of nowhere, saying stuff like 'no' and 'leave me alone'. It was terrifying, honestly. He started scratching at himself and pulling on his skin like he was gonna rip it off so I restrained him the best that I could, and he ended up stopping, but he was still rapidly moving his eyes and whimpering. After he stopped trying to escape from me, he passed out and I don't know what's wrong." He sounded exasperated and upset.
"Really? With no warning?" Charles asked, rubbing his neck. Trent shook his head in response while he wiped his eyes.
Michael spoke fast, "Where exactly should I be going? A hospital? Or-" 
"No! No, don't go to a hospital-" Trent interrupted.
"But he's unconscious and we don't know what's wrong!"
"I think he just fainted-"
"Yeah, you think-"
"He just killed someone, we can't just go to a hospital."
"Then where am I going, then, Trent?"
"Our hotel."
Charles spoke up, "If the cops know he killed Mr. Rorek, they'll probably be there,"

Trent when silent and thought for a moment while Michael stewed and kept swapping between staring at the road and into Trent's eyes in the rearview mirror.
"Get us to a Motel 6 outside of town. I'm sure there's one in Tyler." Trent sighed and glanced at Drake, still passed out. He looked peaceful, at least.
"You want to go all the way to Tyler?" Michael said, overwhelmed. At a red light, he put his forehead down on the steering wheel.
"Look, I'm sorry Michael, but we can't be arrested today. The musical is in a wee-"

At this, Michael took a sharp turn off the road and turned into a Walmart parking lot.
"Did you seriously just say that?" Michael's voice was booming, surprising Trent and Charles alike.
"Well, that's what this has been for-"
Michael turned around to directly face Trent, "Trust me, I'm aware of why you two killed who you did, and it's stupid. Legitimately stupid. You're both gonna go to prison because of this musical! I am going to lose two of my best friends because you want to be in this musical so badly! So shut the fuck up about the Newsies because I don't want to be reminded of the dumbass reason you'll be arrested for murder and Charles and I may be arrested for helping you escape the police. Are we clear, Trent?"
Trent hesitated to speak, so Michael's voice boomed, "Are we clear?"
"Yes! Yes, I'm sorry." Trent's eyes were wide, and he glanced at Charles whos eyes were wide as well. He awkwardly turned forward without making eye contact with Michael.

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