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"LILLIE WAKE UOUR CRACK HEAD ASS UP!" I shot up a little scared at first but realizing it was just nick.

"What do you want?" I said groggily.

"Jamie told me to do this because you guys leave have to soon. Also do me a favor and stop spooning geo its weird." He said with a chuckle. He always does this because he knows it pisses me off. He likes making us look like a couple for clout.

He probably took a picture and put it on his story already. Knowing him he put about twenty photos on his story already.

"Hey man. That's annoying you know were just friends." Geo said sleepily.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I do it." He said with a laugh again.

"Oh and lillie you have thirty minutes to be ready." He said finnaly walking away. Geo removed his arm from around my shoulders and I sat up.

"Well looks like I won." I said in a teasing manner before skipping out of the room and up the stairs.

When I opened the door to my room I saw natalie going through my drawers. It didnt bother me though because I'm used to shoring clothes with the two girls. Were almost like sisters because weve known eachother so long.

I looked through my closet pulling out something similar to what I wore yesterday and this is what it looked like.

I looked through my closet pulling out something similar to what I wore yesterday and this is what it looked like

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I left my room and went over to geos room to borrow something.

"Hey G? Can I borrow one of your hoodies?" I asked walking in.

"Yeah sure." He said looking around the room. His eyes landed on the laundry basket in the corner where there was a pile of hoodies.

"Shit. This is the only clean one. But i just put on, here you can take." He said pulling the material off his body revealing he was shirtless under. I caught it as he tossed it to me and slid it over my head.

"Aww how cute, you gave her your hoodie." Jamie said standing by the door. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at her.

"I bet your enjoying the view arent you." Natalie said appearing out of nowhere.

"Oh please I see it everyday I'm used to it." I said. Imidiatly after I regretted the decision to say that.

"Whoa, I didnt consent to that." Geo said putting his hands up. Both of the girls looked at us with shocked eyes and it wasnt until then I relized jamie was recording it all on her phone.

I gasped loudly before jumping to chase her and delete the video.

She was quick to notice though and ran as fast as she could away from me. She ran to the living room but by that time it was to late the video had already been posted onto the internet forever.

This was extremely frustrating because we both have a decent Instagram following and alot of people were going to see that video.

"JAMIE I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW SO STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME UNLESS YOU WANT FACIAL RECONSTRUCTION!" I yelled so loud that I'm pretty sure kim jung un will try to nuke us after.

I stormed off to my room trying to calm myself down. I kept reminding myself that it was just a video and theres no need to ruin a friendships over it.

There was a knock on the door then natalie came in.

"You good?" She asked closing the door behind her and sitting on the bed next to me.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Why does this always make you so mad?"

"Because there was a time a while ago where...you guys were right, and I didnt like it. But that little crush is gone now. Hes just a friend."


"I mean how could I not like him, hes so handsome and we were moving in together. His presence was, at the time, something different. But now I'm used to him and hes just like every other boy."

"Mhm." She said getting up to leave the room.

"Dont spill the tea!" I shouted as she closed the door.

I finished getting ready then heard a car honk. I went down stairs and relized it was just Jamie who was waiting for me in the car.

I got in and we drove to the first location for the day which was a park. Later on we were going back go the rented house then that is where we shoulde be finishing for the day.

Hateful Lovers ▪︎ Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now