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As of right now me and Jamie are standing near the back of a equipment van waiting for the first scene to be shot. Were talking and laughing then jonah comes up to us.

"Hey guys, can I get your insta." He said with a little smirk.

"Sure. Its lillie_flower." I said

"Yeah and mines is just jamiefarrell." Jamie also replied.

"Why flower though, I thought your last name was rose." He said. I laughed because this was a question I get often.

"I dont know, when I was making my account I just decided to put flower. There is really no explanation." I laughed again.

"Alright ima follow you guys but be warned. You might get attacked by crazy fans." He warned. I laugh and shake it off.

The first scene of the day started moments after. We were being recorded sitting on a park bench with three other girls that we just met today.

This was supposed to be the part where we meet the boys and have all that 'love at first sight' bullshit. I never believed in that but I'm getting payed to pretend so why not?

When the scene is finally over we head back to the house to wrap up some shots from yesterday that flopped.

"Alright and that's a wrap!" The director shouted as we all cheered our work for the day has come to an end. As expected jack has ignored me all day. It didnt bother me though, I figured it was best to ignore him also.

As I was walking out of the house I could see jack leaning against the hood of his jeep looking down. I walked over to him to see what's wrong.

As I get closer I could hear his soft sniffles and I could see the tears in his eyes. I walked closer to him against my better judgment to see what was wrong.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked standing about five feet away from him.

"Why do you care I thought you hated me?" He said quickly wiping his tears and putting his guard up again.

"I dont hate you, you hate me. I actully have nothing against you." I said calmly trying to make him know that I don't hate him.

"Well you should after all the things I said and how I treated you." He said looking down.

"Jack it's ok, I dont hold grudges. We all make mistakes."


"Of course. Now you wanna tell me what's wrong?" I said leaning on the car next to him.

"Well my gir- my ex-girlfriend now." He corrected himself.

"You know what, your probably just like her. All girls are. I dont know why I even tried to trust you with this." He harshly scoffed before walking away. And I geuss it looks like were back to the same old jack again.

He seems like a good person, he just got his heart broken. I headed back to jamie's car and she was surprisingly still there waiting for me.

"I saw you talking to jack right now. So what did you do to get him to warm up to you?" She teased with a giggle.

"Well I'm afraid he didnt warm up to me. Did you not see him storm off all pissed?"

"So then what actully happened?"

I explained to her the storie as we drove home and she was just as shocked as I was. I dont blame him, its not easy to bounce back from that shit. But he still doesnt have to be a dick about it.

I went to my room and was going to change but relized I only had to do grocery shopping today. I stayed in what I was wearing and lounged around the house for a while.

Hateful Lovers ▪︎ Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now