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Me and geo just arrived home and I explained to him what happened in the car. I stormed off to my room as soon as we got home. I started cleaning up a little bit preparing for Cameron to arrive.

By this time Jamie was awake and kept knocking on the door to see what was happening. I stopped doing what I was doing to open the door for her. She stood there and stared at me with her arms crossed.

"First of all I'm mad that you didn't wake me up to go eat with you and the boys, and second I'm mad that I had to find out whats stressing you out from geo. If you were uncomfortable meeting up with him then why didn't you just decline?" she questioned.

"I felt bad doing that to him, especially after all that we've been through together. I also kinda still love him." I said the last part quietly so that she didn't hear but I wasn't so lucky.

"You what!" She asked excitedly. "But after all the heart break you've already been through. I am not dealing with you crying all day again so I refuse that you two get back together. beside what kind of bestfriend would I be if I let you get back together with your ex?" she said jokingly making me crack a smile.

"Your right. I'll make sure nothing happens between us besides talking. And I definitely am not giving us another chance." I said with a big relief.

"What time is he getting here?"

"About nine."

"Oh I was going to ask you if you wanted to go with me and natalie to the cheesecake factory. But were going at 8:30."

"Oh well maybe another time. Or if this doesnt take long maybe I'll meet up with you guys or something."

"Well were were gonna go to the grove after and meet up with nick. Your welcome to meet up with us when your done."

"Ok well I'll see how it goes then I'll call you. Hopefully he doesnt take long." Just as I finished my phone started ringing. I looked and seen jonah was trying to face time me.

I awnsered showing both mines and Jamie's smiling faces. Jonah gave us a confused look but then chuckled after.

"Hey guys." He said waving with zach popping up in the background.

"Hey j. Everything alright?" I said.

"Yeah. I just want to call and see if everything was ok. You seemed kinda worried earlier." He said.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just some stuff but I got it all covered." I said playing cool but that didnt last long because Jamie poked my side making me squeal.

"Ok?" He said confused again.

"Hey I have an idea. Since Jamie didnt get to come with us today and lillie had to leave early why dont we all hang out tommorow?" Zach said.

"Ok." I said looking at Jamie for approval. She also nodded and I looked back at the phone screen

"Ok when and where?" I said

"Don't worry about it. But were going as soon as filming is over tomorrow." he said.

"Ok then see you tommorow boys." I said waving with a smile.

"Ok, bye guys. See you tommorow." Jonah said as Jamie and I waved goodbye.

Then the call ended and we both got back to what we were doing before.

Hateful Lovers ▪︎ Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now