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The sound of chatter is what I woke up to this morning. I took a few moment before I realized that it was arguing.

I quickly sat up but felt restrained.. I looked down to my waist and realized it was jack arms holding me back. Surprisingly he didnt wake up.

"Are you ok?" I heard a voice say form the floor. I looked down at Geo then everyone else and saw they were still asleep. The TV was on and he was watching a movie I didnt recognize.

"Yeah, why are you awake so early." I said as I looked at the sky through the crack in the window. The sund hadnt even raised yet but the sky was a grayish color. I grabbed my phone from the night stand and it read 5:17 a.m.

"I couldn't sleep. I felt guilty about the things I told you on Friday, essentially after what happened last night. Anything could've happened to you." He said fiddling with his thumbs and looking down.

"Geo, dont worry about it. You wer just jok-" I tried to explain before getting cut off.

"Shut the hell up!" Natalie groaned from her bed.

"We should got talk outside." I said trying to get out of Jack's grip without looking awkward.

"Also theres something that I need to tell. I was supposed to be a secret, but after the shit Cameron pulled I dont wanna hide it anymore." I said as he put a shirt on and we headed to the door in our pajamas.

Jack's P.O.V

I was up the entire time listening to their conversations. I woke up when lillie tried to get up the first time.

What she said before she exiting the room the room left as sinking feeling in my chest. A feeling that was all to familiar. Was she going to tell him about us. About our lie.

Was she going to screw everything up for me now that she didnt need me anymore. It's not like my ex even knows about us yet. It's only been an week since weve giving hints. But do I even care about my ex anymore. Why do i want whatever me and lillie have to continue.

Do I like her?

Lillie's P.O.V

We headed to the patio area of the 3rd floor. We sat under one of the cabanas facing the city. It was silent, the first few minutes we just enjoyed the all the sparkling lights from the buildings. The faint outline of the Hollywood sign was visible on a mountain no to far away.

"He hit." I blurted out of no where. I put it out there in the open for the first time and felt a sense of relief.

"I know." He responded shockingly.

"I would always here you having nightmares. I would go into you room and hold you until you stopped talking, then I would go to my room. They happened frequently until they started getting rarer and rarer and then just stopped. I didnt say anything because I thought you would've told someone, so I assumed they were just dreams. But that's why I jumped in the fight last night. I realized that they werent just dreams so I beat the shit out of him for you." He didnt look at me once, but I could how his eyes glossed over and the reflection of city light made them sparkle.

"Im so sorry I wasnt there to comfort you. I just wanted him to pay for what he had done to my bestfriend. But you have to promise me that you'll never keep a secret like this from me again. Please." He said finally looking at mr with a pleading look.

He held out his pinky for me and I wrapped mines around his. A tear finally rolled down his face and I pulled him into a hug.

"None of this is your fault, and I promise that I will not keep any secrets from you." I said feeling my eyes begin to sting and my throat close up.

We pulled apart again and continued to just stare at sky. The sun seemed as if it was never going to come up. I was totally fine with that. I kind wish it wouldnt. But it will, it always will. I dont know if I find that scary or comforting.

"I think I'm gonna go inside. You wanna come?"

"No, I'll stay here."

"Ok." What seemed like days passed but it was actually only 2 hours. The sun was fully up now bit I had no idea what times it was since I left my phone in the room.

I decided I was time to go back down with the others so ther not worried.

When I got back to the room everyone was still asleep, including Geo. I climbed back into my bed with jack and felt scoot closer to me for warmth. I didnt mid it though, it was kind of comforting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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