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Lillies P.O.V

I slowly started to wake to up the sound of two voices arguing. They were very faint though so they must be outside. I opened my eyes and realized that I'm not in my bedroom.

Im on the couch in the living room, then a huge headache kicked in. I groaned and started to try and get comfortable again. I felt something moving around under me while also noticing two arms wrapped around my waist

I panicked and quickly sat up seeing jack still half asleep under me.

"What the fuck?!" I almost screamed as I quickly sttod up. He also woke up and I noticed there were othere people around us.

"What the hell?! Why were you on top of me?" He asked groggily. I rubbed my temples and sat on the opposite couch.

"Why were you arms wrapped around me?" I fired back. Even with the world's worst hangover I can still be a smartass.

"I dont I- ughhhhh. I guess it was just instinct." He groaned loudly. I noticed others around us were slowly starting to wake up then I remember the reason I'm awake I'm the first place.

I stood up again and headed to see who was arguing outside. I could see Geo but the other person was standing behind a car, out of view.

'I'm to hungover for this shit' I thought to myself as I walked back inside and closed the door. I headed to my bedroom to get an aspirin until I was stopped.

"Hey, where are you going?" I heard someone ask. I turned around and seen Jack heading twoards me. He looks like shit. I wonder if look that bad to.

"Just to get an aspirin, why?" I awnsered.

"Can I have one to? Also theres something I need show you."

"Sure, c'mon." I said gesturing for him to follow me. I'm FUCKING SUPRISED. This is the first time hes been nice to me since we met.

I grabbed 4 aspirins, 2 for me and 2 for him. He started showing me something on zachs story. The picture was pretty dark but you could make out me and Jack cuddled up on the couch together.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled. Geo ran in the room and looked at me.

"What happend? He didn't do anything without permission did he?" He asked me worriedly while glaring at Jack. I grabbed the phone from him and and stormed over to Geo.

"What happened last night." I felt a presence come up behind me and assumed it was Jack.

"We played truth or dare. We were all drunk and you guys were dared to date for 48 hours. Thats actually why I was just arguing with Cameron. Hes jeleause and mad that I suggested the game." He explained.

"Why should he be jeleause?" I asked mostly to myself.

"I don't know, but check your socials, the video going viral." He said then quickly left before I could ask him about it.

"What the fuck?" I said exasperated as threw myself in my bed.

"C'mon, it's not that bad." Jack said as he poked my stomach. I groaned then it was silent for a few moments.

"I have and idea, do you want to get back with Cameron." He randomly asked.

"I dont know. Sometimes I do, maybe I guess?" I said as I sit up not even knowing myself.

"We should continue you this. But for longer than 48 hours. I'm talking weeks maybe even months." He said with a smirk as if this was actually a good idea. I thought he hated me.

"What? Why all of a sudden do you want to be a couple?"

"I dont actually want to date you dumbass. I mean a fake relationship, to trick both of our exes, maybe even for a little extra clout."

"That's so stupid." I said with a slight laugh thinking he was joking.

"Is it though?" I thought for a second maybe hes right. Maybe I should do this. And if Cameron and I still dont work out, well atleast I still got a little fun and clout out of this. I think to myself as I held my hand out to shake.

"Ok, I'll do it ."

"Really? Your not even going to consider all the things that could go wrong?"

"I didn't even know there was things that could go wrong, so shake my hand before I think about them and change my mind."

Hateful Lovers ▪︎ Jack AveryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang