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Last night everything went well and I went to sleep really happy. I also woke up in a really happy mood and it was really obvious. I threw this on and got ready to head out the door.

Today was the last day of filming and I was hoping to make peace with Jack

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Today was the last day of filming and I was hoping to make peace with Jack. As I go into the house with Jamie close behind I hear loud trap music blasting through a speaker somewhere near bye.

"Hey, you guys are here!" A bubbly zach says while coming to give both of us a hug.

"Since it's the last day of shooting we wanted to make it as fun as possible. So theres music playing and a shit ton of donuts on the table over there." He said pointing to a table with 6 pink boxes piled ontop of eachother surrounded by tons of othe snacks.

I nodded and he went back to the chair where he was getting his makeup done. Me and jamie walked over to the donuts and each grabbed one. We also went to put our makeup done and change our wardrobe, getting ready for our scene which is going to start any minute now.

I seen jack across the room. I decide that when we go to where ever zach is trying to take us after recordeing that i would talk to him. hopefully were doing something where I can actully get alone time with him. knowing zach he'll probbably take us sky diving.


we just wrapped up filming and me and jamie are heading out the door to wait for the boys. They all trailed out one by one like roaches coming out of a crack in the wall.

"So, zach. Were are you taking us, or is it still a suprise?" i questioned him as he was the last roach to walk out.

"Well if i made you waited this long to find out then why would i tell you now? Just be patient my children, I know you'll love it." he said patting both of our heads.

"Zach, are you always kind of creepy?" Jamie asked him.


"No" Zach and Corbyn said at the same time. they glared at each other until Jack rudely interuppted their staring contest.

"Can we please just go already?" he stated sassily.

"Can you please stop being a jerk already?" I snapped back at him.

The boys around us ooed while I simply stood there regretting my choice to speak. If he didnt have a reason to hate me before he does now.

I give up on trying to get on his good side. If he wants to be an ass I'll be an ass back.

"Girls before I forget to tell you, our manager wants to have a meeting with you two tommorow. He didnt say for what. But he just said to call him if your going to show up." Jonah siad handing Jamie a buisness card.

"Ok I'll check if I have any plans tommorow and I'll give him a call." She awnsered.

"Alright can we go now? I'm anxious about what were doing!" Daniel complained getting into the car.

"Wait so you don't know either. Were really gonna die arent we?" I furrowed my eyebrows together as I crawled in the back seat of jonahs car and sat next him.

"Theres actully a 70 percent chance." Jonah said from the front seat. I looked out the window as I closed the door and could see Zach, Jack, and Corbyn getting Jack's jeep. Jamie sat in the front next to Jonah and we pulled out of the driveway.

Jonah put on some music and the car was pretty noisy because we were trying to see who could come up with the best 'yo mama joke'. The boys in the other car are also in on it because Daniel is facetiming Zach. Zach hung up the phone when we got off the freeway and he had to give Jack directions.

The car went silent when we pulled into a parking lot for a museum. First of all, who takes their friends to a museum to hang out? And second of all, Zach is the last person on earth to want to spend time at a museum.

We payed for parking and then all piled out of the car after roaming the parking lot for about 15 minutes looking for a spot. We met up at the entrance and bombarded zach with questions about why were here.

"GUYS, GUYS! Calm down. I just wanted to get some cool Instagram pics." He said while putting his hands up as if surrendering.

"You seriously brought us all the way to a museum and made us pay for parking AND entrance just to get some 'cool Instagram pics'?" Jonah asked putting air quotations around the last three words.

"I'm sorry dont attack me." Zach said running to the line at the ticket booth. We all followed and entered the large building.

We took turns taking pictures of eachother. And posting on our stories. I hate to say this but I actully had fun at this museum.

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