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A fire that once flared and caught this eye
putting bed all my worries and ending this night
Yet a cold shoulder water did douse the flame
and no longer passed "go" in this endless game
Among the dead leaves that fall throughout September
all that was left were dying, red embers.

The light that shined on and felt so sure
full of hope and energy, that always endured
And even when wind tried to snuff out
I still moved forward without a doubt
And so I put on a mask like the end of October
but I still pressed on because it's not over.

What used to be became not and again changed
priorities moved and rearranged
I put someone else first instead of who I should
never thought that i'd be here or imagined I would
And I floundered about to the end of November
giving thanks to who should, but this did offend her.

And reality struck and knocked me asunder
feeling it was all me who made the blunder
And I thought that the countdown was of no worry
little did I know of the change that was soon occuring
And so began this strange clock of December
a time to forget but will always remember

But as seasons come and as seasons go
we never know what brings and what new we'll know
To adapt and change, fall apart and rebuild
and chapters of life we start and fill
Molding and changing as jars of clay
we look forward to color to erase all the gray
Strong on its own and better than before
not needing someone else or anything more
Beautiful in its own way, no longer surrender
I burn low yet hot, this January ember.

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