A Day Among The Ashes: A 9/11 Tribute

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Through rubble and smoke and chaos and ash

we honor those who went in, and never came back

the determined, the brave, all who were tried and true

with selfless acts of courage, who fought on through

the nation and more mourned by our side

who watched it all in silence, with mouths open wide

seeing acts of such malicious, pure hate

that brought the sad events on that date.

So many, too many, missing person's posts on walls

loved ones recovered, and those weren't, after the fall

and our hearts extend out to all involved

and hope to give consolation or any resolve

so many, too many families, with minus one or more

who wondered if they hadn't walked through those doors

a tragedy is the very least that you could say

about all our lives affected that day.

But if there is one good thing that could be said

though we may be scarred, we are still not dead

we didn't stop living, in fact we surpassed this

and arose from that rubble as a phoenix from the ashes

our freedom is not free, it's all bought with a price

it's fought with love, heart, and self-sacrifice.

We died together, cried together, were put to the test

we huddled together, struggled together, put forth our best

we remembered again what it was like to be a community

and hope to continue from that which is supposed to be

for one day we all put aside all petty differences

being one, we lent a hand, to get each other through all this

so keep that day forever in our hearts , from sunrise to sunset

that solemn day of unity, that we will never forget.

Poetry: Symmetry and ReflectionsWhere stories live. Discover now