Just Reach Out

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You post up or share words for others to uplift and help
but do you really think these things are true about yourself?
From downcast eyes, tears well-hid, and many hopes so few
yourself the biggest enemy, you still let you still get to you
I'd love to take all your sadness and inject it into myself
because I remember clearly just how those feelings felt
Thinking that I'm not accepted and there's no good for me
and feeling alone and outcast, and no one hears my plea
I've said that I can be here, to lend ear for your support
but I guess I'm still not there, not having enough rapport

Your big smiles and bright eyes , and many happy faces
show fun, sun, and good times in many places
Yet i see past the silver words and clever disguise
and a tired soul that's lurking behind those pretty eyes
I'm not here to lecture, fuss, or even try to teach you
I just want to be there for you, yet you won't let me reach you
Simply saying that you're better can never make it so
if you're never watered a seed you can't expect it to ever grow

At times when you heed help the most, you won't take it
its easier to lie to yourself and masquerade to fake it
I know because I'll pretend myself, to try and feel normal
to project bowties and suits when I'm feeling quite informal
We all want to feel adequate even when things are dire
to show that we're strong even when inside we're near expired
Please take the next step, it's hard, yes I understand
so just reach out far enough so i can take your hand

Poetry: Symmetry and ReflectionsWhere stories live. Discover now