Never Forget

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I'll never forget those words you told me that day
on that ride home, you said you needed a break
you claimed it was for the best
but it was only for your own sake
I wanted to do all I could to mend the problem
you claimed it was only temporary
but deep in my heart it all felt wrong
and the truth of your words was to the contrary
I only wanted to love you
simply that and nothing more
you only wanted to start it all over
shutting yourself beyond locked doors
I'll never forget those words you said.

I'l never forget the day I first saw you
so small and bundled in my arms
a tiny symbol of Heaven on Earth
those big blue eyes of such deep charm
so incredible that its been six years
and time is going by so fast
I now understand how little things are so big
and why I should make every moment last
I fear the day that you'll no longer need me
and look to some else for love
I just hope I'll love you so that you'll pick well
because no matter what he does, it won't be good enough
seeing you for that first time, I'll never forget.

I'll never forget the days of dark
feeling trapped in the bottom of some well
life had betrayed me, feeling forsaken
stuck in my own personal hell
in such despair, I asked for solace
and strangely got something unexplainable
some unseen arms wrapped all around me
Your presence no longer unattainable
it was like that psalm had come to life
about calling for help in the depths
and now my eyes are open, plain to see
how I'd been following in Your steps
that moment I felt you, I'll never forget.

I can never forget the three words uttered
"it is finished", Your words that changed the world
a sacrifice so deep it never died, never fails
more precious than the rarest pearl.

You taught me, groomed me in how to live
how to love, and how to give
staying true, through best or worst
putting myself last, that makes me first
all that You've done for me, I'll never forget.

Poetry: Symmetry and ReflectionsWhere stories live. Discover now