White Noise

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Some days i'm a shadow lost in the void
a teddy bear among toys
hearing only static among white noise.
We only want our voices to be heard
but we're screaming all at once
its why we don't learn, such a dunce
only all audible blurs and slurs.
I just want to sit alone in my home to avoid
all these people who only talk the talk
none of them are walkin' in their own sidewalk
silent voices unspoken, dead poets indeed,
swallowed up full in greed , never fulfilling need
fabricating that they listenin' with over-obsession for textin'
all blah-blah-blah's followed by LOL's
mindlessly entertaining, refraining from what s real
with your posts you host the most unyielding rants
full of words pointless or "woe is me" chants
it's all demise or lies of happy sunshine days
painting the perfect picture of life for anyone's sake
on surface looks good, but my gut says "fake"
smiles for miles held up by unseen hooks
i'm not about to eat this recipe that you're trying to cook
all these words sent , nothing being worth said
our graves are slated above our heads because inside we're already dead.

We pretend to help others doing unselfish deeds
but in the back of mind there's some unknown fee
keeping count of all our good, forgetting all our bad
or think we're just the worst, overburdened and sad
fate has made us slave to "us", no one else matters
and when favors done, all communication shatters
I wanna truly talk to you, but you won't even look at me
i guess screens are more important when you're crushing candy
what seems to be free is not free indeed..

So no matter how we slice it, in the end it's about "me"
if we don't cater to your needs then you simply flee
and life is hard because there's so much uncertainty
but its not worth achieving if you make others bleed
I'm done with this game now, I don't wanna play ball
so lets end this as we're dead as leaves in the fall
as I'm spittin about this ridiculous wickedness
writing down disjointed thoughts of inkedness
i realized that i'm not really any different
from you or me, or anyone else in this world
i only want to be heard but my voice's lost in the whirl
of tornadoes spinning round and round, from sky to the ground
just one single buffalo in the herd
a small flutter of words from a wingless bird
so i'll just shut my mouth, take one for the team
or find something clever and make one for the meme.

No matter how I move forward, I stay well-poised
we're just a speck of water in this sea of noise
the only thing we know, there is no control
driving ourselves crazy, our sanity stolen,
just accept the "is" and "isn't," try to make a difference
making worries about outcome or income makes no cents
to think we're the center of universe is dense
so i'll wrap up my thoughts with a bow here, and hence...
I'll tip my hat here, and step away
I hate to rain here on my own parade
but i can't decided when its another day
don't be led astray, stay true to you and never drink the kool aid
bandwagons never suited you anyway, I choose fifty shades of nay
i'm just a burst of static in this sea of white noise
as scene fades to black in an endless void.

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