Invisible Scars

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I ask how you're feeling and you say that your'e alright

but if i look hard enough there's more than meets the eye

so I ask "are you really?" and I see you hesitate

then you know that i know, you make lies to satiate

but you don't need to do that to ease worry for my sake

I know that you're hurting, I can see it in your face

its easier to hide the pain, face turned to stone

its easier to lie to seem normal, this I can't condone

it's easier to be honest when you're at home

it's easier to cry about it when you're all alone

weary of answering "what's wrong?" or "how are you doing?"

replying that you're fine, in hopes it'll be renewing

tired of saying "it's bad", I get it

you'd rather satiate the gab, though your sad, to deal with it

half-hearted advice thrown at you

they don't know the half of the vice you're going through

and if you try to tell the whole thing, their attention doesn't last

they start acting like they wished that they'd never asked

I admit my money comes up short when it comes to pain

I could barely take it for a day, I'd quickly pass the plate

I hate it for you, this condition pulls so much out of you

I'd probably hate the world and more, not the life I'd ever choose

yet somehow you do it, it always mystifies me,

if it was me, I'd probably complain and scream

"my body hates me! I can't stand this auto-immune disease

that no one even sees these invisible scars that torture me!"

I hate that nothing can be done really, it's all just guess-work

boiled down to numbers and figures, all I know is that you hurt

I just want you to feel a day without this pain

take another pill, wondering if it's to blame

another visit still, prognosis refrains

fatigue too is your ill, maybe today won't be the same

they tell you more rest, you already did

another blood test...yep, you're still positive

they poke and prod so much it seems like a fraud

try something else? cautiously give them a nod

solutions for this not feeling too confident

giving them all these dollars, but this doesn't make any cents

it's hard to be too mad, cuz they're trying their best

we can try another test, but you'd rather go home and rest

all I can do is hold you to help make the pain fade for a while

there's nothing more to give than that and try to help you smile

every day that you tire, you soldier on, I so admire

it's my desire to have things so you could retire

and let you have all the rest you need

seems it'd never be, but it'd be great indeed

until that day comes, I'll do what I'm able

to create reality from what seems like a fable

I'll do what I can do, just keep on pushing through

either way every day anew I'll always be here for you.

Poetry: Symmetry and ReflectionsWhere stories live. Discover now