Grant Me This (Part Two)

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I've tried fighting so long and can't pretend
this abomination just keeps on reeling me in
there's no way I can win
like a lamb to the slaughter, i walk right into
and your son, lamb of God, forgives me through and through
if anything this teaches me I have a ways to go
and keeps me thankful for such mercy that flows
His hand that leads and guides me, shows me the way
and tries to keep me as sheep, from going astray

so please grant me patience so I can be bold
and make me as clay to fit your mold
I'm so sick of myself, for going back to things so fleeting
and when I fight it, it feels like I"m fighting me
it corrupts my mind, and pollutes my heart
so I can't judge right from wrong
and even though I truly know, still I play along

Grant me wisdom to choose things wise
and choose well aside from emotion
because I know how i can get caught up
like drowning in the ocean
will i still walk the road less traveled
or give in to life's temptation?
i never seem to know myself
until I go through that tribulation

this sin is still such a part of me
it feels like it's in the heart of me
and time after time i admit my defeat
I wonder if my soul's asleep
so wake it up now, my sleeping being
my eyes too tired to keep from seeing
this feeling of comfort so used to feeding
a heart confused the want from needing

i just want to follow with every part of myself
so grant me a heart of sacrifice
one humble and heartfelt
you've granted me with all I'll ever need
so teach me humility
so in that I may lead
for this , I thank you for granting me

Poetry: Symmetry and ReflectionsWhere stories live. Discover now