Beg The Question

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If you truly knew me, would you run away?

or would you be comfortable, and beg me to stay?

If you truly knew me, and all my dark sides

would you embrace my faults or quickly run and hide?

If you truly knew me, and read all my thoughts

would you be sick at sight of me, or would I quicken your pulse?

If you looked right through me, would you see someone strong?

a person you disowned, or one to whom you'd belong?

If you looked right through me and saw my insecurity

would you doubt if I was good for you, or would you sympathize with me?

If you looked right through me, would you stay right beside me?

would you hide who you are, or truly confide in me?

if you stayed here beside me, would you truly be glad

that you chose someone worthy, now someone you have?

If you stayed here beside me, would you defend my case

and stay until the end to finish the race?

If you stayed here beside me, would time stand still

and stay here forever, 'til we drank life's fill?

If you lied here beside me, would you be satisfied?

and be fulfilled with love, and let me inside?

If you lied here beside me, would you let yourself go

and move with my rhythm, ebb of my flow

If any of these things were possibly true

I'd want to know every bit of you

I'd want to look through you as the cleanest pane of glass

I'd stay beside you through all of time's pass

And lie beside you, forever my muse

For you've accepted me and I've accepted you

Poetry: Symmetry and ReflectionsWhere stories live. Discover now