Truly Live

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I don't need this ambiguity

this guessing game of what if's and maybes

I don't need this validation

this proof of what I'm worth by someone telling me

I don't need this romance

I want something more than that

I'll never look back

the me that was won't be, that door is closed.

These failures do not define me

they may remind me, yet they've refined me,

These prayers have not gone unanswered

the answers are simply not yet understood

These feelings have not passed

they are simply harnessed, used to empower

These hands are not scarred

they just tell my tale, strengthened in hardship.

These eyes see more than what they seem

but all I need to see is what's right in front of me

This skin is what I was born into,

I am nothing more than who I am

This heart does not beat to live

it beats to fuel passion for life

These lungs do more than keep me alive

they take life in and breathe it back out.

I want no tea nor sympathy

I seek only understanding

I want no anger

letting go will set you free

I want no doubts or hesitation

fear of failure only ensures all failures

I want no lies or deception from you

life has enough of that already.

I want to keep pushing forward

seizing this day and every after

I want no regrets

looking back will only slow me down

I want to give all that I have

to endow others with overabundant love

I want to walk beside You every day

I'm comforted that You always do with me regardless.

With all this in mind I know

that everything will be fine

I hope my actions show

to inspire in others something more

know this all to know me

because we're all in this together

Know also brother or sister

whether you know it not

you are loved

therefore love others

free yourself from the tyranny of selfish desire

it may feel like a lonely battle, but we all fight

never give up.

Poetry: Symmetry and ReflectionsWhere stories live. Discover now