Out of Touch

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"You'll be in the 3rd room...I have a guest who comes and goes who stays in the 1st room." She said as she unlocked the third bedroom in the hall. "No worries, you may not even meet him."

"Him?" I worried.

"Oh he's a sweetheart, keeps to himself, quiet except for that damn motorcycle of his...but remember what I said, everyone respects my guests...and he knows my rules."

I nodded.

"Make yourself at home, and again theres no curfew so feel free to come and go as you like."

"Thank you Myrtle...Should I pay you now or...?"

"We'll tally you up at the end of your stay...I'll put you down for the week for certain though."

"Well, I don't think I'll need a turn down service...but dinner would be nice."

She beamed. "Of course...I serve dinner at 6 but if you're not here I'll set a plate to the side and leave it in the microwave for you...uh, there's also cable T.V but the television's down in the den, restroom is across the hall, I suggest keeping your toiletries with you if you are particular about certain brands otherwise there are communal shampoo, conditioner, and body wash already in there alongside unopened toothbrushes, toothpaste, and razors."

I nodded.

"Let's see... Oh we have wifi, the passwords right here on this chalk board, if you feel weird about eating down with us you're welcome to eat or drink in your room...Lastly I don't actually live here, so I leave after dinner and return at sunrise...if an emegency should arise just call my cellphone and I'll be right over, number is also here on the chalk board...but it's the same one you called earlier."

I thanked her once again and she closed the door behind her as she left the room.

I decided to hang my nicer clothes in the closet and just leave my jeans and undergarments in my bags.

Second I pulled out my electronics bag and withdrew my laptop. I plugged in my phone to let it charge and also connected to the wifi before doing the same to my laptop.

Of course upon opening the laptop the medical records instantly popped up on the screen as they were the last things I had viewed before shutting my laptop earlier.

I saw the name and address of my birth mother and grabbed my phone.

I was going to put the address into the phone's GPS but stopped myself.

Now I wasn't chickening out by any means...but I had this feeling telling me to wait, almost like it was telling me to just start fresh tomorrow.

I didn't really have much urge to explore and I highly doubted there was much to do anyways judging by the looks of the boring little town I'd seen already.

I figured I may as well have a little nap before going back down to the bar tonight...at the very least I can get to know CC a little more.

Sleep came easy as it was my first rest in a bed since I left home.


I must've been more tired than I realized as when I finally did wake up it was already close to midnight.

I stretched and unplugged my phone and laptop.

Now truth be told I didn't exactly feel paranoid and had this feeling that Myrtle was true in her word of people respecting her guests and her place... but the realist in me knows I am an outsider here in this town, and some people just don't like new comers...for all I know I'd come and find my stuff trashed or taken.

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