The Sweetest Taboo

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"You okay?" CC asked before Vic rejoined us.

"Yeah...Is that..-" I asked but couldn't shake the way he had just looked at me, he was one of the most handsome men I'd ever seen, but there was also something more...something almost dangerous and intriguing.

As I tried to talk to her I also couldn't stop myself from looking back over at the ring. At him.

"My cousin?" She smirked, "Yeah, That's Max." She said.

I nodded but then she turned to tell Vic something, I gave them their moment as I looked at the back of the man who had solely drawn in all of my attention.

"I should've guessed..." Vic said but I didn't look at them, I couldn't...I was too focused on him, I just wanted him to look at me again. "...he had picked up her scent."

Wait, what was he talking about? I wondered as I tried to listen but try and remain conspicuous. But from the corner of my eye I could see CC hit his arm and he nodded, after that the two were silent and looked forward as they awaited the fight.

The referee called the two fighters into the middle of the ring, he nodded to another official who was standing outside of the cage, The official walked to the doors that the fighters had just walked through, he closed the large metal door and locked the two fighters were enclosed in the cage with no chance of getting out unless they win.

CC's words from earlier filled my head with worry now, "there's only two ways to win, knock out, or death."

"I want a fair fight," The referee said before going on about his rules.

As odd as it was, seeing as I didn't really know this guy...I couldn't help but feel worried for him. Suddenly some part of me didn't want him to fight, I couldn't explain it but I knew I didn't want him to get hurt.

I looked at his muscular body and knew he could more than likely take care of himself, plus CC had told me he's never lost a fight...but I still couldn't shake this new worried feeling.

Suddenly CC reached over and took my hand into hers.

I looked at her and she offered me a soft smile, "Max will be fine...he's a really really good fighter, even if it's something he never really wanted to do."

"Why does he do it then?" I asked will full concern.

Her soft smile turned sad now, "That's his story to tell, and one he doesn't share with everyone...only people he considers close."

I understood that she was basically telling me I'm not in his inner circle so mind my business...only she had said it much nicer.

She smirked and shook her head before she gave my hand a small squeeze.

The bell rung signaling the beginning of the fight and I was focusing on Maxen once again.


I don't think I blinked once during the whole fight, maybe it was out of worry for Maxen's well being, maybe it was the sheer shock and terror of watching this beautiful man easily pummel his opponent unconscious...either way the fight only lasted 4 minutes before Maxen knocked out the fighter Lee Peterson.

When the fight ended Vic walked up to the Cage to join Maxen back to the locker rooms.

But as Maxen exited the cage his eyes bore into mine.

Locked onto him I could see he was not just looking at me, but possibly trying to figure me out. I could feel my entire being heating up and I couldn't even tell you if I was breathing right now.

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