Motorcycle Man

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I couldn't help but smile as I took the liberty of resting the side of my head against Maxen's back.

I was enjoying this ride on his motorcycle with him more than I'd ever want to admit.

When we got into the Bayou I sat up once again and we went immediately to the garage where we left my car the day before.

Maxen killed the engine and used his foot to get the kickstand out so the bike would balance. I let go of him and he stood up before holding his hand out to assist me in getting off of his bike.

"Does my hair look crazy?' I asked.

He smiled and shook his head, "No, you look perfect to me."

There was a breif moment of silence between us.

" was your first bike ride?" He asked as we walked into the small lobby.

"Who said it was my first time?" I asked with a smirk.

He nodded before turning to the counter and telling them which car we were there for.

They gave him my keys and I went to pay.

"I took care of it yesterday."

" really didn't have to." I sounded a bit embarrassed. Right now financially I wasn't exactly in a position to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I also didn't like anyone to see me as weak or incapable of doing for myself.

He shrugged, "It's you have bigger things to worry about now." He pointed out.

I nodded, "How about you follow me to my apartment and I'll drop off my bike and then I'll go back with you to Myrtle's before we go and see my dad for some answers.

"Yeah," I nodded. "And thanks."

"For what?" He asked.

"For taking care of my car." I smiled, "And giving me my first ride on a motorcycle, it was fun."

"I knew it." He smirked "and anytime babydoll."


"Maxen." I said after we had gotten my stuff into his apartment.

"What's up?"

"I...I just wanted to say thank you again..." I said a little nervously now.

Not only was it just him and I, But we were standing in his apartment.

"Oh it's nothing...-"

"But it is." I protested and sighed as I ticked my hair behind my ear nervously now. "Look, I don't know what I'm the hell is going on with all of this Luna grand, pack, Werewolf stuff, but just knowing I have someone by my side during this helps a lot and means so much to me...I don't know how I'll ever repay you for your kindness."

He shrugged nonchalantly and smiled, "You're my mate Baby...I'd do anything I could for you."

I felt my cheeks heating up as his words had caused the mood to turn more serious and slightly romantic.

I smirked and tried to change the tides of the mood. "Even let me drive your bike."

"Well I don't know about all of that." He chuckled , "But as an alternative offer, we can take the bike out to my grandparents house...I called my dad when you were getting your stuff and he's gonna be meeting us there."

I nodded, "I should move my stuff out of the way." I said as I picked up my bag from the floor next to the front door.

"Just leave it in the bedroom and when we get back you can put everything away alright." Be offered before his tone became even softer, "I know you came for one reason Baby, and I know you fully intended to be on your way after meeting your mom...but suffice it to say, you may be here a little while longer so I think it'd be smarter for you to get more comfortable with the idea that this will be home for a while."

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