Private Eyes

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{Maxen's POV}

"Where did you sneak off too?" I asked as Baby and CC made their way back in. Baby immediately walked over to me and placed her delicate arms around my waist.

I kissed the top of her head before she rested her head against my chest, smiling. "Just girl talk."

I honestly couldn't begin to imagine what they'd be talking about...but something told me that when it came to those two together couldn't be good.

After Dad, Myrtle, My Aunt Julie, and Vic arrived we all talked.

I knew Baby would have questions...but more than that, I knew she would blame herself for the Uptowners coming into the bayou last night.

"They came for me." She said as if hearing my thoughts.

I wanted to assure her otherwise but honestly I knew they had come because of her, and it felt like shit knowing I couldn't say anything to make her feel better, so I simply took her hand into my own.

"We don't know that for sure Baby." Myrtle said confidently.

"Yes Baby don't you worry sweetie, it wouldn't be the first time a Northern Territory resident stumbled into the Bayou." Granny put in sweetly.

"They weren't drunk mom." Dad spoke up, "And Baby you being here or not...they've never needed a reason to come here lookin to stir up trouble."

"Then we retaliate." Vic offered.

I was already nodding my head when Baby tugged at my hand a little and I looked at her to find her shaking her head no.

"Baby's right." CC sounded, even thought Baby hadn't physically said anything. "The Northeners are probably expecting us to retaliate...They'll be waiting for us, we can't give them what they want."

"Babe c'mon" Vic sounded as if trying to get Cc to see reason. "...we can't just let them get away with it."

But she shook her head with finality. And as the Pack's Omega she out ranked everyone here so her decision was final.

Vic knew better than to try and argue...there was really no point, but we could all see he wasn't thrilled with just letting the uptowners get away with coming over and fucking our shit up.

"Look the girls are right." Pops said, "Truth of the matter is we've already broken the rules a little by going against Diana...she was banished from Diana's pack lands and like it or not The Bayou is technically part of the pack...Wilk territory or now more than ever we need to play by the rules and keep our noses clean."

As the meeting wrapped up Vic pulled me to the side and I quickly shot him down before he tried to pull me into some shit against my cousin's word.

"If it has to do with the Uptowners I'm Mate doesn't like it" I said.

He shook his head, "Nah, CC's said her peace on it so that's it....nah bro, I was trying to tell you there's a fight coming up...thinking about doing it at the old Dickson stadium, think you'd be down?"

For the first time I actually had to think about it.

I looked back at Baby and saw her smiling as she held a conversation with my Aunt Julie and CC.

"Look, I don't know if it helps but they promise a big payout...and I know you don't want to be away from Baby right now but Dickson is only one town over...we go, get the cash, then come home."

"How big?" I asked, still hesitant.

" wouldn't have to fight for a while after unless you get bored."

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