She's Like the Wind

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"To be honest this isn't as uncommon as you'd think....the dormant wolf shifting." Maxen's father Maverick said, "It's called the awakening, and many things can bring your wolf forward, for some it's trauma...something tramatic has to happen to them, for others depending on bloodlines it can be as simple as getting in touch with nature or even meditating."

I sat next to Maxen and listened on.

I was nervous though.

And like he had all morning, Maxen somehow knew I needed his sullying the form of physical contact right now as he boldly reached over (not caring that we were in front of his grandfather and father) and took my hand into his own.

"But about those of alpha blood, Baby's got Alpha's blood." Maxen asked for me.

Not that I'm one to have one speak for me too often, but it was comforting to know he was genuinely curious and interested in what was going on and how it would effect me.

Maverick nodded, "Well son, without question Alpha's blood is the strongest blood a Were can have...that's why we look to them as leaders."

I nodded along to his words, it made sense...or rather, it made as much sense as it possibly could considering this whole thing is still fucking crazy to me.

"Maxen mentioned that just being around Werewolves could make me shift." I put in a little worried now.

Maxen's grandfather spoke now, "Maxen was right since you are of Alpha's blood, but I can see you're much as it may sound freightening darlin' I can assure you, you won't just suddly become a offense meant, but your body isn't strong enough yet, no matter how awake and willing your wolf may be."

"It's why every child on our lands have to attend finishing school, active and dormant wolves alike." Maverick said, "Their bodies have to be conditioned to take physical pains as well as emotional distress...-"

"Like what?" I asked.

"Well physical training is usually running, climbing, and fighting...the running and climbing will help ready your ligaments and tendons to stretch as well as build muscle structure, fighting...well the shift isn't exactly painless so if you can learn to absorb the pain from basically getting beat up, then you can handle the shift easier." Maverick filled me in.

"You mentioned emotional as well?" I asked.

Maxen's dad nodded once again, "To be honest the emotional training is worse, it's brutal because it's all have to face your worse fears in hypothetical situations, you're left alone in a quiet room with only your thoughts...the quiet, empty, lonliness is borderline madness...but it's the first introduction to just you and your wolf."

It sounded archaic.

"Could be momentary insanity, but some claim to hear their wolves in there..." Maverick continued. "Of course the more in tune you are with your wolf, the more in tune your wolf is with you...after the first shift you can call upon them easier, faster, they can guide your moral compass, they will protect you and always be there for you until your last breath."

In it's own way it was touching.

I felt my eyes watering.

Maxen stroked the back of my hand with his thumb now, "What's wrong Baby?" He asked softly.

I looked at him, his clear blue eyes were clouded with genuine concern.

"My life's been pretty messed up...I've been in more fights than I can count...and without trying to sound dramatic, my whole life has been one big empty family, unwanted, unloved with the exception of Agata, used, hurt...I'm broken already...what's a few broken bones now?"

BabyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora