Separate Ways

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I followed Maxen outside, we ended up going to talk under the big willow tree.

As we walked over to the tree I suddenly realized something...I've never actually asked him how he felt about me having this position possible just given to me?

I mean if the rules had never been changed as the oldest male, He would have power, in fact...the power may have very well even gone back to the Wilk family altogether...and He could have potentially been the Alpha.

I mean it's not exactly a secret he has Alpha blood in him...but the reality that he wasn't an Alpha because of my mother's family...and now it was looking like it would be handed down to me...his odd twist of irony.

"Talk to me Baby." He said a little unsure. "Let me know what's going on because I really really don't want to go getting my hopes up."

"What do you want?" I asked him. "Do you want me to take the position?"

He rolled his eyes and took a seat on his grandmother bench. "To hell with the damn title and position...if you want it that's what you want Baby, great... I'm here to support you and whatever you want to do in life...but what I want ultimately is your happiness."

I looked at him, and he smirked. "I'd also like to know if you're staying, if you're deciding not to leave?"

I knew he honestly didn't care if I was going to take on being the next Luna Grand...No, Maxen was really asking if I was staying with him, he wanted to know that I wasn't going to leave him.

I took the seat next to him and rested my head on  his shoulder, "I don't think I can leave now, You mean too much to me...because I'm more happy than I've ever been before."

He kissed the top of my hair.

We sat there for a while, shrouded in a content silence, the nights air was beginning to pick up.

"I love you Baby."

I sat there letting his words settle in, I smiled and closed my eyes.

"I know." I said smoothly.

"You know?" He chuckled.

"I feel the same way." I replied.

"You love yourself?" He asked playfully?

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes...He wanted me to say it back to him. And I wasn't just saying it because he'd said it first and expected a, I was saying it because I know in my heart that my feelings for him are beyond real, like nothing I've ever experienced before. The fear of knowing that he could emotionally destroy me and trusting that he won't, giving myself fully to him, and knowing he was giving himself fully to me. "I love you Maxen."

He lifted my hand and kissed the back of it.

I sighed "We have a big weekend ahead of us." I said as calmly as I could. Deep down I was nervous and scared.

"I'm scared too." He admitted, picking up on my emotions.

The thought of something happening to him during the fight and me not being there genuinely terrified me more than thinking something would happen here without him.

I knew the Bayou would protect themselves at all costs if it came down to it...and CC assured me she was having family follow Maxen so he wouldn't truly be alone but something just didn't feel right.

I wanted to scream, 'Don't go...stay here with me.'

But I knew he needed the money.

"We should get going, we've got a ton of laundry to get started." He said as he stood up and followed suite as I groaned in protest to doing laundry. "Come on you little slob, I'll do the laundry if you'll cook us dinner."

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