Under Pressure

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"Are you alright Baby?" Maxen asked sweetly as we pulled up to the same restaurant he had brought me to before.

"Just worried...I can't help but feel like something bad is going to happen from me being here."

He sighed, "I won't lie to you, shit could go down if the uptowners get wind that the Luna Grand asked you to leave but you stayed here with us...but even if that happens she'd have to acknowledge you first and in doing so, admit that Tilly isn't the rightful heir to the pack."

"So the people could get doubly pissed...one for me defying orders and two for potentially taking their pack." I sounded nervous now.

"The biggest thing going for you right now is that you are not part of her pack, you weren't born here and you haven't shifted with us...-"

"Yet." I said sadly now.

Maxen took my hand and helped me down from his bike (this time we parked ourselves instead of valet). "Baby..." He sounded softly "You are my Mate... and I swear on everything I won't ever let anything bad happen to you so long as I am alive."

I sighed and looked at him, "Innocent people could get hurt over me...you could get hurt over me." I finally said out loud, the real reason behind my worries.

"Is that what's worrying you, you're afraid I'll get hurt?"

I nodded shyly and he pulled me into a hug, "I'm a fighter Baby...I've never lost and I had nothing to win for before...how do you think things would go knowing I have something to win for now?" He asked as his lovely blue eyes bore into me. "I will never stop fighting for you Baby."

I smirked at how arrogant he sounded, but it also slightly reassured me as well.

We entered the restaurant and were seated at the exact same table.

"Do you come here often Maxen?"

He smirked, "I do...suffice it to say, I'm not exactly the best cook."

"Eating out can get pricey." I sounded concerned now.

"Well...not to freak you out or anything but like my grandpa and dad told you earlier...the Wilks own the Bayou, this is literally our land and we use to be Alphas once upon a time...so people sort of respect us."

"Respect you?" I sounded unsure. "Like people 'respect' the mafia?"

He laughed just as the waiter came to take our order...he also didn't answer me either.

After ordering he took my hand in his, "my family was well off once, and while we do well to make a living, most of our money went into businesses to help our town grow...this restaurant for instance, my parents went into business with a friend and so if we eat here...it's on the house."

"And how many businesses are your family actually involved in?"

"A few...more than I can think of to be honest with you." He said.

"So your family is rich?"

He shook his head, "not by a long shot...like I said all our money has gone into various businesses so when the businesses do good we in turn do good...but this is still a small town so most of the time we break even...enough to keep the businesses open, so most of us work to pay for the day to day stuff, dad works... obviously so do Myrtle, and CC, and myself."

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