It's Like That

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That night sleep didn't come as easily.

Of course CC's words had seemed to linger in my head, and Maxen's saddened expression as he left the table stuck with me as well.

And I couldn't lie to myself, after spending the day with him I did find it annoyingly odd that I didn't want him to be away from me.

I let out a sigh, I had bigger fish to fry...tonight I had no doubt CC was going to be seeing Diana, and she would be going to tell her about me being in town.

I couldn't imagine my first meeting with her now...I'd already thought about it before and it didn't exactly turn out as planned, but I still hoped she'd be happy to see me.

I wonder what she looks like, is she kind, is she friendly, sociable...I finally drifted off and dreamt about bowling.


"Sorry breakfast isn't anything great this morning." Myrtle sounded as she placed a box of donuts onto the round kitchen table, "I actually have to get out of town today and I apologize in advance...and I will be giving you a discount as I won't be back until Monday and won't be able to provide you with the meals I'd normally provide."

I brushed her words away as I helped myself to a donut, "Myrtle it's nothing, I don't mind cooking...I mean you opened this place to a stranger when everyone else might have just over looked me."

She smiled and then took me by surprise when she pulled me into a hug.

"I don't know why you're here peach, but i'm glad you I'll look forward to catching up in a few days when I get me a favor and hold down the fort while I'm gone will ya?"

I nodded and Maxen came down the stairs just then.

I smiled at him as he looked like he had literally just rolled out of bed, his short hair was messy in some areas and matted in others, he wore what looked like a comfy pair of Navy joggers and a plain white t-shirt.

"Morning." I sounded to avoid openly checking him out any longer.

"Good Morning Baby..." He yawned. "I'll just grab a shower and then we can go and get your car."

"No eat something first...I'm in no they probably just opened so they more than likely won't have even started on it."

"...Well I'm off." Mrytle cut in before moving to give Maxen a hug as well and he helped her with her bag.

I sat and enjoyed the chocolate donut alone before Maxen walked back in.

He grabbed a donut out of the box and got ready to bite into it and I handed him a paper plate.

He gave a questioning look.

"For your crumbs...I'm in charge of this place for the time being and I don't want Myrtle coming back to a mess."

He rolled his eyes and smirked, "You're bossy."

I shrugged, "Always have been."

There was a knock on the door and we looked at each other with curiosity..."You lock the door?" I asked.

With his brows pulled together he shook his head, "This is a safe haven, the door's always unlocked...Stay here just in case." He said with genuine seriousness.

Something in his tone made me sense his sudden worry.

He moved to open the front door and I remained completely still, hidden by the wall from view.

"Maxen Wilk." A woman's voice sounded.

Not sure why but I didn't like another female talking to him, especially so familiarly as this voice.

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