Kickstart my Heart

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I sat there in awe as I looked at her, her hand rested on the doorknob and she couldn't even face me now. "I'll give you the rest of the day to gather your belongings and leave my town, after tonight I can not promise your safety." And with that she left.

I sat there, unmoving for what felt like hours...I had just met my mother, the Luna of this Werewolf pack no less and she had just banished me from her land.

Still feeling shitty about the whole thing I went up stairs and went to Maxen's room. I knocked on his door and he opened it, I noticed he was in jeans and a dark green top now.

I looked up at him and his brows pulled together in the same fashion as earlier, "What's wrong Baby?"

"I thought you might've heard." I admitted, "don't wolves have better hearing than humans?"

He actually nodded, "you're right but Myrtle's rooms are soundproofed for optimal no sound comes in and no sound goes out."

"Just as well...I-I gotta go." I admitted sadly.

Honestly I don't know why I was so sad to be leaving this place really...I had only come to find my birth mother and I have now... and while she only pissed me off and confused me, I was standing here now, feeling almost heartbroken.

"We can go for your car whenever you're ready." He said softly, I guess he could tell something was bothering me.

I shook my head, "I didn't mean I have to go get my car...I meant I have to leave town...The Luna Grand asked me to vacate her town."

"What the hell...why would she do that?!" He asked angrily now, a slight growl in his words.

I sighed, "you may as well know the truth, no use in keeping it a secret anymore..." I said before I sighed heavily and looked up at him. "I came to town to find my Birth Mother as I was raised in an orphange, all I had was her name and it turns out my birth mother is Diana, and she admitted to it as well, but for whatever reason, she told me I needed to leave."

The emotions of everything came forward and I couldn't hold my tears back anymore.

Maxen didn't miss a beat and moved to take me into his arms and let me cry into his chest.

I was genuinely grateful to the kind gesture and hugged him back.

"I've only ever wanted a mom...a family...a home of my own, and she doesn't even want to get to know me."

"Baby, don't worry..." He said as he rubbed my back. "I'm here for you while we figure this out together."

I pulled back from our embrace, "sorry for ruining your shirt." I sounded embarrassed, as I tried to wipe away the dark tear spots from his top, "and there's nothing to figure out...I have to leave."

"It's just a shirt..." he said as he took a hold of one of my hands now to stop me from trying to clean it. "Baby as much as Diana may want to send you away for whatever reason, she doesn't have that right whatsoever."

"What?" I asked him. "But she's the Luna grand and this is her pack...I know I'm new to all of this but Maxen even I know that what she says goes."

"Again you're right and If your mother had been any other woman in the pack then yeah she could ask you to leave, but are the first born child of the Luna you understand what that means?"

I shook my head.

"Remember how I told You CC is the Omega because her dad is older than mine...well even though the Luna Grand has a daughter and son with her mate, you're still the oldest are the next in line to be the next Luna Grand of this pack."

"B-But I'm not even a Werewolf." I protested.

He shook his head, "no...this changes everything, Baby, You carry the dormant Were gene, meaning the gene to shift is in you but sleeping for lack of a better term..."

"But you said Dormant Weres don't shift."

"For other people born with the gene it can remain dormant, but for you...because of your mother you have Alpha blood in you which strongly increases your chances to shift."

I shook my head, "Maxen...I don't know...I'm not usually such a little bitch about these stuff but I'm actually pretty scared...this is all brand new to me, I don't know everything about all of this, more so I don't even know if this is something I want."

He gave me a sympathetic look, "I'm so sorry Baby, I wish I could tell you that everything would be fine and that you don't have to worry about anything but this is so much bigger than all of us now."

I let out a heavy sigh, "so I'll just turn into a Wolf now?"

He shrugged lightly and moved to let me into his room, it was essentially the same as the one I was staying in and like myself he too had a bag here and a couple of things hanging in the open closet.

"Uh, to be honest..." he said as he moved around the room, I took a seat on the chair at the desk in his room. He removed his shirt and I couldn't take my eyes off of him as he changed into a dry shirt. "I don't know all the details Baby, but I think my dad could help...if not maybe my grandpa, but I do know the longer you're around us since one half of you is made of Alphas blood the more likely you are to begin shifting."

I shook my head, "not one half...both halves."

He stopped and looked at me so I explained.

"Diana told me my biological father was an a Alpha's grandson, he was like you said, a dormant Were as well but...I mean, technically I have Alphas blood from both of my birth parents."

"Yeah, we gotta go...we'll stop and get your car, come back and grab your stuff then I'm taking you to stay in the Bayou."

"Diana asked me to leave." I pointed out.

"Technically the Bayou is and always has been Wilk property, not pack I'm asking you to stay in the Bayou until we can get you the proper answers you deserve."

I nodded, if nothing else I did still need to get my car...more so, I needed to know how likely it is for me to suddenly sprout a tail on the next full moon?

I went onto my room really quick and grabbed my purse and phone before rejoining Maxen in his room, He grabbed his wallet and keys as well as his phone before he grabbed my hand and led me down the stairs.

A small part of me instinctively almost pulled my hand away from him and yell "who do you thing you are just grabbing my hand?!"

But another part of me...a surprisingly large part of me liked that he was taking charge making these plans, and comforting me in the forms of hugs and hand holding.

Together he walked us out to his bike, it wasn't one of those neon colored sporty this one was dark and metal and looked dangerous, then he kickstarted the bike and it roared to life.

Atop the bike already he held out his hand to help me onto the bike behind him.

After positioning myself as comfortably as I could behind him with little to no personal space between us he turned his head to look over his shoulder.

"You're gonna have to hold onto me Baby." He sounded over the loud sounds coming from the exhaust pipes.

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you planned this all along Maxen Wilk." I said feeling a little better, enough to tease him now that we were close once again. I let my arms go around his middle.

I watched as his face lifted into what would normally be his seductive smirk, "If only I were that good...hang on tight Babydoll."

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