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Later that evening as I laid in bed with Maxen, his even breathing told me he was fast asleep...I couldn't help but wonder what would happen at this meeting in a couple of weeks.

I tried to imagine Maxen in my world.

If I'm asked to leave... Maxen had made it pretty clear he had no intention of letting me leave alone. And while I smiled at the idea of Maxen joining as a part of my old life, I knew there wasn't room in my old life for be honest though, looking at all of the facts as they stand, there wasn't any room in my old life for myself anymore.

I let out a small sigh and turned to kiss Maxen, but as his face was buried into his arm (as he was asleep on his stomach) I ended up kissing his elbow before cuddling into him a bit more and finally closing my eyes.

But as I submitted to my sleepy state I heard a loud sound from outside that was definitly glass being shattered.

If I thought I was up suddenly, Maxen was up even faster.

He quickly moved to the window and peeked out the blinds carefully so the people outside wouldn't see him.

"It's Uptowners." He growled.

"They have to be here because of me."

He looked at me and nodded before grabbing our phones and handing me mine. "Call CC and let her know Towners are here and looking for a fight." He said as another sound of shattered glass hit out ears. "I have to call my dad and the rest of the bayou guard."

I nodded and did as he said.

Thankfully CC answered and I filled her in.

"And Max?" She asked calmly.

"He said he's calling his father and the rest of the bayou guard." I said quickly.

"Alright." She said before hanging up...who knows what she'd do but now wasn't the time to question everything as I was more concerned with what was happening outside right now.

Maxen and I had both been off of the phones now and listened on as chaos ensued in the street down below.

"I need to get you out of here." He sighed and even in the dark I could see fear in his eyes.

I shook my head, "There's nothing we can do, they're outside and will see where would I even go?" I asked. "If they don't know I'm with you, they'll find out as soon as we step outside and they will know to go to your family's houses...I won't risk the family like that."

I could tell he wanted to go outside and fight but was conflicted with himself to stay in here and protect me.

"Go." I said as I looked at the worry etched on his face.

"Baby...I'm not going to leave you alone." He said with determination now.

I shook my head, "Go...they don't know I'm up here and your guard guys, and CC and Vic are probably on their way already...I'll be alright, but they're destroying good people's property...their businesses', their's only a matter of time before someone comes out to try and stop them and they could get hurt."

He smirked a little "No worry for me then?"

I kissed him, "I don't have to...I've seen you fight, now go....and Maxen, come back to me."

He nodded, "I'll send someone to bring you to safety." He said as he ran out of the apartment. Under any other circumstance I would have laughed at the fact that He'd left in nothing but his boxer briefs...but right now I was a little preoccupied second guessing myself.

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