Rebel Yell

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As we drove further through the thick brush of woods the light seemed to disappear.m and I immediately tended a bit at how dark everything suddenly seemed, it gave an ominous sort of feel to the atmosphere.

"It's not as bad when the moon is full." CC suddenly spoke up.

To be honest now that I think of it, all night CC had sort of said things in reference to things I just so happened to be thinking.

"Sooo, wanna chat about what brings you into town?" She sounded cooly.

"Not really...kinda a downer conversation to be honest." I admitted as I thought about Sister Agata. Of course I couldn't keep my emotions from springing forward. "To be honest I don't know what I'm expecting to find here in town...but I know it's something I had to do, I guess only time will tell."

She nodded and did her best to ignore me wiping the stray tears that had escaped.

"So this Vic guy?" I brought up, having heard his name twice today.

She let a big grin fill her face. "He's my husband." She beamed almost as if to suppress a squeal of someone bringing him up and giving her the opportunity to talk about her guy. "Sorry, I know I go sorta Gaga when I talk about him, but hey we've been together so long it's pretty much all I know."

"I think it's sweet." I admitted. "Shows that you're still in love with him opposed to just having love for him." I said with a slight pangs of envy now.

I held back a sigh, what it must be to have that amount of love for someone. No. What it must be to have someone have that amount of love for you...'one day' I thought to myself.

"What about you, got a special someone back home?" She asked.

I let out a humorless chuckle. "Unlucky in love doesn't even begin to describe my lack of a love life...I have a couple of ex- fuck buddies at best." I admitted as an image of David popped into my head and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

She smirked, "You shouldn't be so quick to dismiss suitors."

"Oh trust me it isn't me dismissing them, rather the suitors not showing up...just trash that I knowingly allow into my life."

"My mother always says that we females have so much power, that we could have men eating out of our hands if we chose to."

I looked at her and shook my head, "if only that were true for me...sometimes I feel like I repel the good guys."

"Don't sell yourself short, I'm sure a good one will come along, but the real question will be if you allow him in." She said.

Truth was I had met a few good guys along the way but things never worked out with them, and if I was being honest with myself I did have to admit that I was the one who'd start finding things to pick at and it basically drove them all away.

But before I could dwell on that for too long, suddenly a large building came into view, "that's it..." CC said, "remember, purse close, and you don't go off wandering around...but most importantly stay by my side no matter what."

I nodded.

As we drove closer I had to confess that the crowd was kinda intense, and I was having second thoughts about coming after all.

She looked at me as she turned the car off and must've seen my hesitation now, "If you want we can jet, I can open the bar back up for just us or we can just chill at Myrtle's."

I shook my head, "Nah, I'm cool..." I said to both her and myself. "Just didn't realize there would be so many people out here."

"I told you, this is a big event...there haven't been any big ticket fights for about a year...maybe even longer than that." She filled me in.

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