Two People

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I found out quickly that talking with Maxen was very easy and never felt forced, and when we did stop talking there was never any awkward feelings looming.

"Thank you for letting me show you around."

"Oh no, thanks for offering...I'm sorry I'm keeping you at arms length Maxen, you don't deserve that." I acknowledged with genuine sadness. "I know what it's like to be strung along, that's why I'm really not trying to ...-"

"You're not stringing me along." He said as he offered me a smile, "we're just getting to know each other, that's it."

I nodded.

He settled the bill and we left shortly after.

When we got back to the bar, it wasn't the first time I noticed how long Maxen and I had actually been out.

"Street lights are coming on and you two are just getting back...have a good time Baby?" CC asked as I took a seat at the bar, Maxen excused himself as he went over to the B&B.

"Actually yes...Maxen told me so much about your people and your history, and the bayou...oh my god, that place is so spectacular CC."

She smiled, "Glad you enjoyed should come with us tonight."

"I don't know CC..I'd really hate to impose."

She shook her head, "Nonsense...look we're just grabbing a late dinner and then going bowling...nothing fancy, just a fun night out so go get changed and meet us out there."

"Don't you have to work the bar?"

She shook her head, "Nope, The Crowned Jewel's closed on Sundays."

"But it's opened."

"The building is opened because we got our truck with supplies for the week, but no business...but no drinks in the Northside on Sunday, that's an order."

I nodded. "Maxen mentioned that the Crowned Jewel is sort of an armistice space if you will."

"Yeah." She said, "as I'm sure Max also told you the towners aren't very big fans of ours but respect that the Crowned Jewel is ironically a place of peace where the two sides of town can come together to conduct quick pack business."

"He did."

She smiled, "I'm glad he filled you in on as much as he did...of course there's more to all, but that'll come with time."

I wanted to say I don't know how long I'd be here for my first and only business, but she simply smiled and said "I know." Toward my unspoken thought.

"Speaking of business, I've actually been meaning to talk to you..."

"Me?" I asked, "About what?"

"About our conversation earlier...I'm sure my cousin mentioned my position?"

I nodded.

"Well as the Omega I do have the abilities to talk to anyone in the pack...Diana included."

My heart was racing now.

"You know her?"

She shrugged, "Its a small town...but there's more Baby, but I think Diana should tell you about that herself..."

"So you'd help me meet her?"

"Well I'll do what I can by telling her about you being here...if she chooses to come would be her own choice." She said almost as I'd trying to warn me that the chances of Diana agreeing to meet me were slim to none.

I understood, "Well something tells me the chick from earlier won't be telling Diana about I've mentioned to a few people in town I'm here on business...I suppose if you told her I was looking for her it'd be more official and business like."

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