Chapter 19 : Ryuko vs Sanageyama

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Sleep wasn't long for me as I slowly got up it wasn't even sunrise yet as I began to yawn. I got out of bed to get ready for the day, I do me every morning routine by taking a shower and brushing my teeth. After all that I put some clothes on then, I walk out of the house as it was kind of chilly out but I can survive the harsh climate. I wanted to walk around for a little while to clear my head of a bunch of things. I eventually got to the bottom of the city by the boarding area as I look off towards the foggy mist. I look at a watch on my wrist as I just sat out there for a little bit because of the strange dream I had. As my mind began to get calm I walked back home as the sun was beginning to rise.

You: Wow it can be quite nice out here when it calm. I really need to go fishing again.

I adjusted my glasses when I got home everything I needed I needed for school. While walking to school I head over to fruit stand like the first day of school to buy an Apple while I got to school fast. When I got there it said that a fight was going to be in the gym so I walked in there as I was the only no star student there. I saw one of the Elite Four standing in the center.

You: I bet it is for Matoi heh well I'm always early to these kinds of things, perks of being faster than a speeding bullet

Sanageyama: So you are here to watch your girlfriend get her ass kicked.

You: She's not my girlfriend! Just remember we still got to fight as well.

I just sighed at his attempt to make me mad. Suddenly the students all come in the gym waiting for the fight to happen. By the looks of it, I was the tallest. We all just waited until Ryuko got to the gym but it was taking a little while but. While we are waiting I noticed some girls looking at me giggling I just shrugged my shoulders. I noticed the heartbeats of the other members of the Elite Four so I tune in on their conversation.

Nonon: That wild monkey beat us to the punch. If I'd gotten permission to make a move on her, I would've taken her out first.

Inumuta: Where is Lady Satsuki?

Gamagoori: She stepped out. She said this battle was not worth watching.

Nonon: What's that mean?

Sanageyama suddenly looks up at the direction of the exit.

Sanageyama: So you've finally come, Matoi.

A bunch of students cleared the way for Ryuko for her to walk down to Sanageyama. I had a bad feeling about this but I just stood still in my spot not trying to get involved with this.

Ryuko: I was called out by name by one of the Elite Four. I couldn't run away from that, could I?

Sanageyama: I like your spirit! Let's get right to it!

Sanageyama's uniform began to glow as he began to transform like Satsuki and Ryuko but it was different. No blood being drawn, he looked to be in a green armor that was very tall and bulky.

Sanageyama: Three-Star Goku Uniform: Blade Regalia!


You: The precious words are back.

Sanageyama: It's not just the Kamui that can transform!

Ryuko: Hey, I'm impressed, Elite! Then I'll do the same!

Ryuko pulled the same pin out as she began to transform like last time with the blood being drawn and appearing in that skimpy outfit.

Thread Vs Steel: Kill la Kill x Superman Male Reader (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora