Chapter 29 : Cultural & Sport Grand Festival

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The day of the Cultral & Sport Grand Festival was here but I stayed up all night working on that outfit I was given making it difficult for it to be awaken. Thanks to my Kryptonian tech in the Fortress of Solitude it was easy to make sure this outfit can't do anything. After it was done I put on a white dress shirt, the black tux top with the dress pants.

You: Now this is a trap but since now this outfit is now inactive it will be hard for anything to happen. Let's go!

While putting on my glasses Krypto whined because I had to leave but giving him a scratch behind his ear then a belly rub. He calmed down as I exited the Fortress. The ground shook after I launched off flying away to Honnouji Academy where I was determined to take down the Kiryuins. This one was a solo mission for me since this one was personal. I arrived to the entrance when my mind felt a hazy but I shook it off, I was escorted to my seat which was a really good spot.

You: I don't need the royal treatment, especially when the rich life was not for me I guess I'm old fashioned.

???: And here I thought you would enjoy such comforts.

You: Huh? Who are you?

A woman approached me as I felt my skin crawl she was trouble. She was Ragyo Kiryuin who on the note said she wanted to meet me.

Ragyo: It's good to finally meet the Man of Steel, so much better looking than on the news

You: Well I mean Gordon Godfrey is trying to make me look like a villain.

Ragyo: I can tell he is full of it, you don't look dangerous at all actually quite cute if I may add.

You: What?

Ragyo: Hehe just wanted to make you feel welcome that's all, someone with all that power deserves to be treated like a king.

You: I don't use my powers to make people worship me, instead I want to be an ideal of hope for the people.

Ragyo: When my daughter said you were a boy scout she wasn't kidding. That makes you even more interesting well see you after the show Superman.

She walked off and I looked confused because I was only called a boy scout once by Butch.

You: Am I really a boy scout? Huh odd? Good thing I didn't bring ma and pa they would be endanger.

It was starting as down below Satsuki Kiryuin was standing on a podium as I saw food waiting for me but I didn't  start eating. I felt like something was up that feeling in my gut just screams something bad is going to happen.

Satsuki: Attention, all students and families of Honnouji Academy! We have succeeded in conquering of all the nation's academies! All of the fools who dared oppose our Goku Uniforms have been elininated! Today is a celebration of those accomplishments! Eat and drink your fill! Praise the Kiryuin name! The Honnouji Academy Cultural & Sport Grand Festival begins now!

A bunch horns play in unison as the crowd cheered for marching students below that were waving the school flag. I didn't even touch my food because something ain't right here. I saw a ray of light beamed in a lot of people's eyes even mine.

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