Chapter 21 : Naturals Election

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Morning Schoolyard

Satsuki stood on a podium as if she was giving a speech and every student had to listen to, the Elite Four stood behind her. I finally had a new uniform which I had to buy but I got a deal. I wasn't really looking forward to this because this means no good could come from this.

Satsuki: Today, I am giving the Honnouji Academy Student Council system a fresh start! All students have the right to attack all other students! Secret meetings, scheming, backstabbing, anything goes! Seven days from now, reach the schoolyard alive! And then, use your strength to lay claim to your social standing once again! This shall be Honnouji Academy's first naturals election!


You: Great... I have to pummel other students again.

Ryuko: Naturals election?

Satsuki: In this election, you will not be choosing some candidate! You will be choosing yourself! Your standing! Your strength! Your way of life! At 8:30 am, seven days from now, a Sudden Death Runoff Election will be held with the survivors who arrive in this schoolyard! Fight one another! Emerge victorious! And I will grant you your new Goku Uniforms anew! And now, fellow comrades of Honnouji Academy! FIGHT!


You: Well this will be fun!

Suddenly a red barrier appears around the tower as I made my way up to classes I just look at it. I just shrug my shoulders when I saw the girls and the teacher talking.

You: What is the hell are they doing?

Aikuro: They're circulating finely chopped Life Fibers at a speed of 100 m/s. Any and all attacks are neutralized by that barrier. It would probably be difficult to breach even with Senketsu's power.


Ryuko: Damn, I was thinking this was my chance to challenge her directly. She whops everybody into a frenzy, and then sits behind an impenetrable shield?

Aikuro: It's probably the other way around. She's ruled absolutely here, and by sequestering herself, she's causing a state of anarchy within the Academy. See?

We all look below to see all the students fighting each other and I just sighed at this.

Ryuko: I swear, I'm so sick and tired of her...

I saw the Elite Four walking out of the school hitting the students out the way, the whole school was in chaos and well a lot of students were unconscious. Later on in the day, the whole town was in chaos just because of Satsuki Kiryuin as students fought each other. I even had a student try to jump me but I just flicked them away like a bug. When we got home students were going around the town causing all these explosions, I just had enough of this. Mako's family begun drinking tea while I was trying to dig out my newer costume.

Mako: Gosh, things sure are crazy in town, huh?

Ryuko: What's with you guys looking all philosophical?

Barazo: Well, due to that recent incident, we learned that observing over short-term wants isn't any good.

Mataro: Yes indeed, there us luck in the last helping. If I wait from everyone's exhausted from fighting, I'll be able to lift one or two wallets easy!

Sukuyo: Mataro, you never learn!

She pinched his cheek pulling on it which sounded like it hurt but I noticed that my suit was missing. I can only find the dorky one.

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