Chapter 20 : Fight Club

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I arrived at the Mankanshoku household/ back alley clinic with Ryuko as I was dropping her off. She was blushing the whole time after our little conversation but I just ignored it. I was not letting her walk because of the beating she just took.

You: Now then Matoi, you have to take it easy because you aren't invulnerable like me.

Ryuko: Idiot... You're such a show-off!

You: I'm not showing off because I care about my best friends. You and Mako are the only friends I got now.

Ryuko: B-Best friend! What happened to that Ricky guy?

You: He is not the person I used to know from Smallville. Plus the bastard has a formula to cure my pa's heart condition and he wants me to betray you guys. But I can't do that because that's not what friends do. I'll do an X-Ray on you see if you have any broken bones and hopefully, you don't need surgery because Mr. Mankanshoku doesn't look like he is a surgeon. If you need surgery I'll do it.

Opening the door was kind of difficult but I manage to do it as I walked into the house with Ryuko in my arms.

You: Now remember Mr. Mankanshoku none of that perverted stuff because I will be supervising the whole thing. You wouldn't want another deck in the schnoz. Yeah, he tried to fondle you while you were unconscious.

Ryuko: I don't doubt it at all!

Barazo gulped as I began to just laugh and Ryuko had her angry pouting look that she usually has but I noticed she had a slight pink blush on her face. Maybe me carrying her was embarrassing to her so I put her down where Barazo told me to and I began to do an X-Ray on her.


It was dinner time and the whole family was at the table ready to dig into their food. But I didn't want to intrude so I began to leave until I heard people yelling at me.

Mako: Don't go join us bestie!

You: But a hero's work is never done...

Sukuyo: Don't be a stranger it's the least we can do for you.

You: I don't really need to eat due to my physiology.

Mako: Nonsense! You saved my other bestie plus we know that you live alone!

You: If I stay will it make you feel any better?

Everyone: YES!

You: Fine! But living alone isn't too bad now if you know what you are doing.

I took a spot at the table and everyone folded their hands together and I did the same. I didn't know what was going on but I went with the flow.

Everyone except me: Itadakimasu!

You: Amen! I mean Itadakimasu! Sorry, I'm used to the way things are back in America.

Everyone except me and Ryuko quickly grabbed food and started to dig in. I was struggling to use chopsticks. The Mankanshoku family didn't notice because of they too busy stuffing themselves.

You: Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! D'oh! Fuck it!

I tipped the bowl as the food went in my mouth and I was eating like Shaggy and Scooby usually does. I have manners it's just I snapped the chopsticks in half when I tried the final time.

You: Great Scott this is delicious!

Barazo: Yeah! When it comes to deep frying mystery ingredients, you're the best in Japan, dear!

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