Chapter 25 : The Actions We Take

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Morning Time

I was ready for my trip back to America since I wanted to visit and see how everything was. Visit Gotham, Metropolis, Central City, Washington D.C and many more. Since I got the okay from Satsuki to go I was really excited to go back to my home country but when I passed by the room I still saw Ryuko moping with Senketsu hanging up not even touched. I sighed and went into the room to sit down beside her she wasn't talking or anything she was quiet laying there.

You: Good Morning sleeping beauty, uhh no wrong choice of words... Are you okay?

Ryuko: No...

You: Listen I know you are still worked up about what happened at the King Of the Hill the other day. We all tend to lose control at some point of our lives but we can't let that fear control us. Tell you what I can take you with me to America would that sound fun, actually no unless we go to Gotham. You'd probably like it there...

Ryuko: I know you got rid of Nui and since I wanted to kill her but I'm not sure if it is safe to wear Senketsu again.

You: Cheer up I mean we all make mistakes but It's how we learn from those mistakes that better ourselves. With all these powers you would think I could never make a mistake wrong I make them all the time. There were times where I want to rip someone's head off, and believe I could if I wanted to but I just learn that you don't let ambition control you.

I pat her on the head which I got a smile from her which was surprising to me. I pick up my bags that I was taking with me but then I couldn't just leave her like this she is my best friend after all. Sukuyo walks in bringing a ton of Croquettes and I come back over to Ryuko and sat beside her again.

Sukuyo: Hey (F/N)! I made you something, Ryuko!

Ryuko: What's that?

Sukuyo: Special Croquettes, made with finely chopped, super-mysterious ingredients! They'll get you back on your feet! Mataro and the others had some earlier. See?

She opens a window as we saw Mataro, Barazo and Guts running in a circle really fast while eating those Croquettes. I was confused but I didn't mind since I've seen weirder before.

Barazo: Life is wonderful! Dance, Mataro!

Mataro: I'm twirling, Dad! Round and round and round!

Barazo: Spin, spin! Turn and churn and turn into butter!

Mataro: I really turned into butter!

Barazo: I feel like I've melted into goo!

Ryuko: I think those might be a bit dangerous.

Sukuyo: Anyway, eat some, get your body moving, and swear it out! Do that, and all the bad things bottled up in your heart will flow right out of you!

Ryuko: Thanks ma'am.

Sukuyo: You have fun on your trip (F/N) I packed you a lunch for on the go.

She walked out the room as I got up ready to go as well. I then heard her sigh which I am not used to hearing but I just stay a bit longer.

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