Chapter 36 : (F/N)'S Kryptonian Birthday

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After that little talk me and Ryuko had I sat on a chair well I have not lost too much blood yet. I just needed a little cool off from that little explosive anger that I had when I just realized what today was. It was my Kryptonian birthday, my body didn't start to go haywire on my 12th birthday so that means that it took a little longer to affect me. The Kamui on me changed back to the regular look while I just relaxed a minute since people kept bugging me to take it easy.

You: My father said my real birthday was today, and he said that my body goes haywire every six years but how come it didn't when I was 12 then? I bet Ryuko told everyone I asked her out didn't she... Maybe I did get jealous I don't know but I guess I owe Dennis a milkshake, I am a man of my word.

???: I noticed the chemistry change in your body, your heart rate was way too high, if you were human you would've been in cardiac arrest.

You: Which reminds me I should give you a name, maybe Karen... No, no, that sounds like the name of an AI. Hmm, what about Claire?

???: No, I would like something more of my taste.

You: Bloody Mary? Just Kidding... Well you are picky so why don't you name yourself?

???: Because it is proper of the creator or parent to name their creation/child.

You: I'm not great with names, I may have a genius level intellect but hell even geniuses struggle with names from time to time. Fine do you want a Japanese name or a English name?

???: How bout a Kryptonian name?

You: Hmm, like Kal-El or Dru-Zod?

???: Yeah but try ending it with ketsu.

You: Hmm well Tylketsu?

Tylketsu: I like it!

You: Good now that you have your name you can stop bugging me about it.

Tylketsu: So why didn't you kiss her?

You: Huh?

Tylketsu: I said why didn't you kiss that Ryuko girl?

You: Well I mean... I... Um... You see...

Tylketsu: Yeah?

You: I have no answer to that question. I mean we did already kiss but that was more a stolen kiss. There really is no definitive answer to that, people let their hearts decide on who they want to spend their life with. Can we stop talking about this I need a take a little break from fighting, I already got my father's death in my head I don't need anymore worries.

I got a mirror and decided to shave the beard with my heat vision since that's the only way I can cut my hair. When I was done I just laid back and just looked up in the sky. My mind was full of thoughts like what is the Justice League that I am gonna help form someday.

You: I'm glad I'm not gonna be the only hero but I need to learn to control my temper.

My eyes became heavy as I fell into a soft sleep that's when I started dreaming of me back in America. In a more colorful red and blue costume was me as I flew through the city of Metropolis, the breeze I get from flying felt wonderful my cape flowing with the wind. My eyes glanced at the sight of a park with a statue of me which they call hero from a far away land. It was a crime free day unlike the sister city Gotham, here it was safe for people to walk home at night, for children to play outside because of my presence here that was possible which gave a sense of clarity.

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