Chapter 33 : Corruption

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One of the cable car used to get to the school rides up at a fast rate, too fast to the point where it loses connection to the wire line and flings into the school yard. All the covers that were guarding there were suspicious of what happened so they surround the cable car when one of the covers went up to it the door is burst open by Ryuko on motorcycle. She slices down the covers cutting them up and freeing the people they were consuming. Ryuko makes a complete stop when she looks up at the academy pissed off when the covers behind her explode.

Ryuko: Ragyo! Nui! Where are you?! I'm here, just like I promised!

A clap could be heard in the schoolyard as a familiar voice was heard, Ryuko knew the voice all too well. It was Nui Harime who was behind one of the covers, she peered her head out looking at Ryuko.

Nui: How lovely! You're wild and even cooler than ever today, Ryuko!

Ryuko: Enough with your yapping. I'm here to kill you and Ragyo.

Nui: What good will killing me and Lady Ragyo do you? You can't go back to your old life.

Ryuko: I said to quit your yapping.

Ryuko revved the motorcycle up then the bike takes speed at Nui Harime, Ryuko was determined to kill her. Nui drew her scissor blade slashing at the bike cutting it in half but Ryuko appeared behind her. The two were in a sword clash each strike connected with the other. Nui was enjoying this as they both struck each other viciously but every hit was connecting with the other.

Nui: You're so fast, fast, fast, fast!

The two went all around the schoolyard still clashing with each other  but they caused the covers around them to explode. Ragyo stood up on top examining the fight with her usual smirk upon her face.

Ragyo: They've begun?

A rocket launched at Ragyo who looked behind her to see it coming her way, she just jerked her body to the side while the rocket past by her exploding behind her. A Nudist Beach helicopter piloted by Tsumugu was hovering over the school.

Tsumugu: One more time!

The attack copper shot more missiles at the tower Ragyo stood upon and every missile exploded around the tower. Threw the distance a boat was approaching the academy with Aikuro and Inumuta on board.

Inumuta: Missiles, direct hit on target confirmed.

Aikuro: If only she were the sort of person missiles worked on...

Inumuta: I know we expected this, but it's annoying how she just shrugs them off like that.

They looked at a screen to see that Ragyo was protected by her covers and she had not a scratch on her.

Ragyo: What an unsightly jump of steel. Have you fun while you can.

More missiles shot at her by the covers were like a barrier protecting Ragyo from the explosions. In an unknown part of the school the missing Satsuki Kiryuin was chained up in a cage looking injured.

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