Chapter 22 : King of the Hill

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Ryuko and Gamagoori glared at each other. I don't know why I have to fight like I am on the Elite Four but I guess for now I'll play their little game.

Jakuzure: What's this? You talk like you're going to be the first to fight.

You: Well I hope our training really helped you Ryuko. Even though we have to fight I still believe in you Matoi.

Ryuko: Fine by me! I'll take you all on!

Inumuta: You really are a fool.

Ryuko: Say what?!

Inumuta: We said one-on-one, didn't we? Each of us wants to defeat your Kamui with his own power well maybe not (F/N).

Satsuki: Who will fight when has already been decided. Haven't you noticed that the pillars you stand on are of different heights? The more students you have defeated, the higher your pillar. Gamagoori defeated the fewest, so he is first. Then Inimuta will fight, followed by Jakuzure, and then (F/N).

You: Well I guess I did go a little overboard with the defeats this past couple of days.

Inumuta: With the powers, you possess allowed you to get this far.

Jakuzure: Well, well. The one who suggested this is at the top of the lineup, huh? It's sweet that you're so considerate of your fellow students, Gama.

Gamagoori: All I did was defend myself when attacked. Still, I suppose this means that you three won't get a chance at her!

Ryuko was about to attack but Gamagoori just stood there not doing anything.

Ryuko: What's the holdup?! Get to it, already!

Gamagoori: What are you in such a hurry for? The battle begins at 1 pm!

Gamagoori points to a timer on below them and Ryuko looks down there. It says 8:55 which means we have to wait a while.

Ryuko: What difference does the time make? Let's get it over with!

Gamagoori: No, we will abide by the schedule. That is what discipline is about! That is what rules are about!

A loudspeaker begins to play music as an announcement was prepared.

Loudspeaker: The Honnouji Academy King of the Hill Final Battle will be held starting at 1 pm today! It will be a bloody clash between the three of the Honnouji Academy Student Council Elite Four, Superman, and Second Year Class K's Ryuko Matoi. Special live coverage will be brought to you on Honnouji Television! Grandmas, grandpas, fathers, mothers, and all good little children let's all watch it together!

The whole town began to cheer for this.

Barazo: What?! Ryuko's gonna fight them?! We can't just sit here! Mataro, go steal us a TV set from somewhere!

Mataro: No prob! I got us one a long time ago for just such an occasion!

Mataro brings out a TV as him and Barazo rush to turn it on.

Barazo: Attaboy, Mataro!

They sat in front of the TV as Matro tried turning it on but no luck as it was still off.

Sukuyo: It's not showing anything.

Mataro: Huh?

Barazo: You tried hitting it?

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