Chapter 28 : Life Struggles

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Tsumugu's gun was focused on me but I noticed he was sweating a bit knowing that it will just bounce off me.

You: So are you going to keep pointing that gun at me like a pissant, or are you going to be civilized and put the gun down. Either way the gun is gonna be put down.

Ryuko: You don't need to handle this for me!

Tsumugu: To be honest he is more intimidating than a half naked high schooler. Plus you don't have your Kamui or your Scissor. Like you can even beat me like that!

Ryuko: I can beat you even if I was full on naked! Your threats don't faze me!

I raised an eyebrow and knowing her she is serious about going full on naked to. I pinched the bridge of my nose and in my mind saying "bruh". Mako came up pretty dang quickly but I was facepalming as this was just a weird topic I noticed my costume was back on me which was good.

Mako: No, you can't! A girl only reveals herself in her full glory to the person she loves the most in the whole world! You don't love Mr. Mohawk, you love (F/N) deeply! Since you told me that night he was asleep and you keep looking at him in his sleep.

You: Excuse me... But you stare at me when I go to sleep?

Ryuko's whole face was as red as a cherry and I was weirded out about that.


You: Right... I'm flattered but that's just too creepy.

Mako: She not only just stares at you but she also talks about how cute you are and how she wants to...

Mako was interrupted by Ryuko covering her mouth and I just backed away from the girls. I was now scared to even think what Mako was going to say.

You: Well then... It was nice hearing about this but I have to go anywhere but here!

I walked out of the room and I didn't like the fact everyone was nude. I dived in the water swimming away until I got to the surface and I saw a city in ruins. I don't know how to respond to that situation since it is my first time being in that kind of problem.

You: What the hell happened here?! I have to go call ma and see how pa is doing. Then me and Matoi are seriously going to talk about what just happened. That girl loves me, this is new on so many levels I don't know how to respond to that stuff because I never dealt with it before. Especially since the fact that Butch bullied me about every little thing. But Ryuko loves me that's just wow, I'm flattered but confused. I haven't had many people care about me much.

2 Years Ago

Homecoming was coming up and I was helping out setting the decorations I had no intentions on going since me and pa were going hunting that day. After climbing up on the ladder to set the final decoration Butch came over and kicked the ladder from under me and I had to grab on to a ledge of a window.

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