Annabeth Chase

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It's okay to be saved once in a while too.

       Annabeth sat in the cafe overlooking the street. She absentmindedly stirred her drink and watched everything from behind her deep-tinted sunglasses.

       Percy's boyfriend? She wasn't sure what she was expecting. And she sure didn't know what she was feeling either.

       A boy across the street caught her eye and somehow she just knew. Knew he was Percy's boyfriend- but something else too...


Peter left early in the morning. Percy was sick, so he was still passed out cold. Peter walked down the streets, his earbuds in, music bopping. It was brisk outside and he was glad he had arranged to meet at a coffee shop, so he would be able to warm himself with a nice cup of joe. At that thought he smirked ever so slightly, he found himself funny.

      He walked the streets like he'd been walking them his whole life- which he had- a certain level of confidence and vibe radiated off of him and he felt good.

       He was maybe a block away. His Spidey sense hadn't gone off yet and he felt pretty good about the day. Of course, if you think like that, you're gonna jinx yourself. So he didn't. He just enjoyed the crispness of the air, the music mingling with the sounds of the city, and the faith that things would be okay.

       Percy wouldn't lose his best friend. They were currently seperate, but they could still fix things. Peter wouldn't let him lose his best friend.

Peter looked both ways before he crossed the street, once it was clear he jogged across. It was a normal New York day, loud. He entered the coffee shop and immediately spotted the girl he thought was Annabeth, Percy's ex. There were huge sunglasses on her face but he was pretty sure she was staring directly at him, if not staring into his soul, so he was pretty sure she was the right blonde.

Peter raised a hand in a small greeting. This girl, Annabeth, just continued to stare. Peter awkwardly put his hand down and turned his attention to the barista to take his order. He was behind two people in line and had to wait for a while as they had their orders taken. This whole time though, as he pretended to be studying the menu he just felt her stare piercing into him.

Finally it was Peter's turn to order. Luckily he always ordered the same thing, or else his several minutes of not actually looking at the menu might have screwed him up. Of course, social anxiety existed, even for Spider-Man and he still stumbled over his words a bit trying to say his order. The barista was nice about it, probably used to it, took his order and then his name. After that, Peter turned to look at the girl who hadn't taken her eyes off of his this whole time.

As his drink was being made, Peter walked over to Annabeth. She just stared, hands folded in front of her, her coffee forgotten.

"Annabeth, right?" he was doing everything in his power to not let his voice shake. She sighed and took off her sunglasses, "So you're Peter Parker?"

Peter was frozen to the spot, he wished she would put the sunglasses back on, her eyes were the most piercing, hard grey he had ever seen. Not that he has ever seen grey eyes before, but her eyes, they were just unnerving, like she was figuring out every way to take him down... analyzing him.

Not Always The Hero // (Percy Jackson x Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now