DisneyWorks Pixar College

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Raunzel's POV

I walked up the cobblestone steps to my new school: DisneyWorks Pixar College! I couldn't believe that i was finally here, but after all I had worked really hard in high school for this moment. I walked into the main hallway and towards one of the booths where you got your information for school. After waiting in the short line for a while, it was finally my turn.

"Hello" I said to the woman behind the desk

"Hi" She replied "Can I help you?"

"Um.. yes can you plase tell me what my locker number, schedule, and dorm number is?"

"What's your name" she questioned

"Rapunzel Corona" I told her

"Aah yes, Rapunzel Corona.. dorm 13B and locker 17A, and here's your schedule"

I thanked the woman and looked at the map she'd given me to navigate my way around campus. Once I'd found my room, I looked around. There were four beds; one in each corner of the room. I picked the bed closest to the door on the right side of the room. After I had picked my bed, I started unpacking my stuff and once I had finised packing, I decided to settle down and finish reading the final few chapters of To Kill A Mockingbird. I hadn't gotten three words in when a girl carrying two duffel bags with bushy, curly, thick red hair walked in.

"Hi" She greeted

"Hey" I said back

"I'm Merida, Merida DunBroch"

"Rapunzel Corona" I introduced. She started unpacking her clothes on the bed across from mine. She finshed unpacking rather quickly, and turned to me,

"What class do you have first tomorrow?'' Merida asked. I looked at the schedule in my hand, but didn't get to speak because the door opened and a girl with strawberry blond hair walked in.

"Hi! I'm Anna Arendelle" she said happily

"Anna...wait..up" said a girl with platinum blond hair who was straggling behind her carrying what must have been her's and Anna's luggage.

"Um.. why is that girl carrying that much stuff?" Merida stole my question

"She lost a bet so now she has to be my servant" Anna explained. Merida and I started laughing, but the girl with the blond hair just dumped Anna's stuff on a bed and took her own stuff to the bed across from it.

"I'm Elsa Arendelle and sorry about Anna" she apologized

"No worries, I'm sure we'll all be best buddies" I reassured. After the girls had finished unpacking, we all decided to play a game. We all introduced ourselves formally, and I found out that everyone was 19 except for Anna who was turning 19 in three months.

"Alright, it's seven o clock and I am extremely hungry" Merida announced after playing the game for an hour

"I'll get the food" I said. I got up and walked to the cafeteria using the maps posted along the walls. Once I got to the cafeteria, I found that there was a short line to get to the food which was pepperoni pizza. It was finally my turn and I decided to get eight slices of pizza: two for each of us. As I was walking back to the dorm, I turned a corner and was almost bumped into by a boy who was on a skateboard. I only caught his face a little bit. He had neck length brown hair and a goatee. I rolled my eyes and kept going. The girls and I kept talking while we ate before we watched a two-hour movie and started taking our showers. I changed into my "Keep Calm and Sleep On" shirt and pants before checking my laptop, turning out my desk lamp, and climbing into the covers to sleep.

None of the characters mentioned belong to me. Thanks for reading. Pic of Merida on the side :)

This chapter has been edited.

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