Chapter 4: A Class With Kristoff

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Anna's POV

My first class today was literature, which was bascially reading a bunch of Shakespeare and sometimes acting out some scenes. I walked into the class, unfortunately being one of the last people to arrive. The teacher, Mr. Morton (or so the blackboard said) looked at me weirdly before saying

"Anna Arendelle, you're late please go sit in the back of the class next to Mr. Bjorgman" I wanted to yell at him, kick him, or give him a piece of my mind, but being the good student I was, I trudged to the back of the class and sat next to him.

"Alright class, today, since we don't know each other, we are going to do an excercise that involves talking to the person next to you and getting to know said person"

You have got to be kidding me.

I rolled my head over in Kristoff's direction and turned my desk a little bit so I could face him. At first we just glared at each other, but realizing that other groups had already started talking, I made the first move.

"So what's your name?" I asked as if I didn't know

"Kristoff" he answered

"Your turn, ask me a question"

"When's your birthday?"

"December 22nd"

"How old are you?" I asked


"What's  your favorite color?" He asked


"Mine too!" He exclaimed

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked

"Just a sister named Krissy" He said. This was actually kind of fun. I found a lot about Kristoff and his family, life, hobbies, and he found out some stuff about me too. I was actually bummed when Mr. Morton told us that time was up. Kristoff and I walked out of class together, and I think that I was actually starting to like him as a friend a little bit. Of course something had to ruin the moment though as I tripped over my own feet, but was caught before I fell down.

"Glad I caught you" said a voice I didn't know. I looked up to see warm and welcoming green eyes staring at me.

"Uhh..Yeah..Lucky"  I stuttered

"I'm Hans" he said

"Anna" I replied " thanks for catching me.. um yeah I gotta go" I stuttered again

"Bye" He said in his dreamy voice. I turned around to go and catch up with Kristoff

"So what were you saying?" I asked him

"Go away" He snarled. I felt hurt, after all the talking and I thought we could have been friends

"Fine!" I said clutching my backpack and running past him towards the dorm building.

This chapter has been edited.

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