Chapter 18: The Fight

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Merida's POV

After twenty minutes of protesting and a little bribing, we had finally convinced the boys that we were well enough to fight. The girls and I grabbed our weapons; I got my bow and arrows, Punz took her boomerang knives, Anna took her crossbows, and Elsa had her powers. The boys also took their weaons and we were off. We went out to the courtyard, where everyone was in a frenzy.

"Please don't panic, everyone, just go to your dorms, and let us handle everything" We heard Mr, Lawrence's not-so-calm voice say. Everyone formed congested lines and walked into the dorm building. After that only a select few, and us were left. The eight of us stood and waitied, and then it happened. Hordes of nightmares, probably by the hundreds, started attacking us. We all took our guns out of our belts and the fight was on, The eight of us started separating as the nightmares attacked, and soon, I was surrounded, but I remebered nightmare training and soon the amount of nightmares that I had around me started to recede. I saw that Punz, Elsa, and Anna were fighting nightmares together, but I didn't get to walk one step before I heard Pitch's voice again.

I am here..I am here...I am here...Good luck

The girls and I looked worriedly at each other, and then we saw him, the devul himeslef. Pitch. He smirked at us, and said in his annoying British accent,

"Hello there, dearies"

"Stay away from here, Pitch" Jack said coming up with the boys next to him. Pitch merely rolled his eyes.

"Well if it isn't Jack, my favorite friend" Pitch taunted.

"What do you want Pitch" Eugne asked

"It's easy really, I want to eliminate the enitre DisneyWorks Corporation, Hans was supposed to get rid of you fools for me, but cearly, he failed" "Pitch, you will never defeat us." Hiccup said courageously. PItch scoffed, and raised his arms, releasing another horde of nightmares. I kept on fighting until I had gotten rid of a good few nightmares. I went and hid behind a tree to take a short break. I felt something hot in my back all of a sudden, and I knew it was my arrows. I took off my quiver and looked at it. There in all its shining glory, was a Golden Arrow. I had read about these, they were charged with electrical powers, and could kill in an instant. I smirked and went back to help the others. Anna was once again surrounded by nightmares, and then I saw Pitch. He had his arrow ready to fire and it was aimed at Anna.

"Anna no, watch out!" I yelled. It happened in an instant that it was too fast for me to see, Punz dived in front of Anna at just the right second and saved Anna. Pitch jut shrugged.

"She was a problem anyway, now you are much more weak" I lost any slef-control I had left, ignoring the fact that agents from the DisneyWorks Agencies had arried and were starting to fight nightmares, I gripped my bow and aimed the Golden Arrow at Pitch. I inhaled and exhaled and then I let it go. It hit him. PItch looked down and screamed.

"Noooooo, mark my words, I will be back and you will regret this, you will regret all of thi-"  He faded before he could finish his sentence. Anna who had watched the entire thing, now dropped to her knees and cried over Punz's body.

Another Chapter! YAY! As usual thanks for reading and keep on voting. Excuse any mistakes.

This chapter is dedicated to LewisBrindleyLover who voted and followed me! Thank you so much!

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