Chapter 21: Graduation and Farewell

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3 Years Later*

Merida's POV

I couldn't believe that I was graduating today. It seems like just yesterday that we defeated Pitch, but it was three years ago, and now I was 22 years old! Today was my final day at college. Well, the girls, the boys and I were all graduating, but still. The girls and I had gotten our letters two weeks ago that we had been accepeted into DisneyWorks Pixar Girls Agency. It was a dream come true for all of us, but the boys had been accepted into DisneyWorks Pixar Boys Agency, and the two agencies were sworn enemies, so that was bitter-sweet. Over the course of three years, the girls and I had gotten very close to the boys, and even if we did like any of them, we didn't want to make our friendships awkward, so we all stayed friends. I sighed and fixed my cap one last time. I smoothed out my gown a last time as well before leaving the room, which I had been assinged to get ready in. The girls were waiting for me, and even though we all looked basically the same, we all gasped at how we all looked.

"You look very pretty, Merida" Elsa complimented

"Thank you, and all of you look beautiful yourselves" After we had finished with our rounds of compliments, the girls and I went to the recently built outdoor auditorium and found our reserved seats. We saw the boys walk in, but they didn't see us, as they had been looking for their own seats. After half an hour, Mr. Lawrence finally took the stage and started the graduation speech. After thirty minutes of that, he started calling people's names and they went up to recive their diplomas. I listened for my name, and reall zoned out durig the whole thing. Ariel Atlantica...Belle Francois... Aurora Carlisle..... My mind came back to me just as they started calling the names of decorated female students. Decorated basically meant you had done something special for the school. Finally, ournames were called.

"Anna and Elsa Arendelle, Rapunzel Corona, Merida DunBrch..." The four of us went up to the stage to recieve our diplomas to an enormous amount of cheers. They soon called decorated male students up to recieve their awards, and we saw Kristoff, Eugene, Jack, and Hiccup go up. After all the decorated students had gone up and the rest of the names were called, the party/recpetion began.  The eight of us didn't get to stay long though, as the white limousines that would take all the girls and boys to their respective agencies soon pulled up. We all did a big group hug, before separating to say goodbye to each other seperately. Hiccup walked up to me.

"Don't forget about me" He said pulling me into a hug, which I gladly returned.

"I won't" I said into his chest. We stayed like ths a few more minutes, before we pulled apart, and I went to get my duffel bags. I waved to Jack, Eugene, and Kristoff, who had all finished hugging Elsa, Rapunzel, and Anna. They all waved back as the girls grabbed their suitcases and hopped into the limo. I waved one last time to Hiccup, before he got into the boys' limo. The driver got into the car, started it up, and pulled out of the drive of the college. Goodbye DisneyWorks Pixar College, Hello DisneyWorks Pixar Girls Agency!

And that is the end of DisneyWorks Pixar College! There will be a sequel though, which I will be starting soon! Thanks for reading and voting! The editing process for this story will start soon! So this book is officially complete! :)

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