Chapter 7: Two Minutes Late

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Jack's POV

I walked back to the dorm after eighth period, saying 'hi' to a few people here and there. I barely knew half of them, but I only wanted to be nice. Once I got to the dorm I saw three things: A brooding Kristoff, a happy Hiccup, and a normal Eugene.

"Okay, I'm going to start with Kristoff" I said "How was your day Kristoff"' I continued sitting on my bed and taking out my phone.

"Atrocious" Kristoff huffed "I had to "get to know" Anna Arendelle and we actually talked like normal people, until Hans showed up and ruined it all, and then Anna completely ignored me, a-"

"-For two seconds probably" Eugene interrupted

"And then she and Hans got all flirty and disgusting in front of me" Kristoff whined on

"What exctly did Hans do to make Anna talk to him, because knowing him he had to have done something" Hiccup said

"Anna tripped and Hans caught her"

"Well what did you expect" Eugene laughed a little " The guy saved her from falling on the ground, the least she could do was talk to him for a little" Eugene finished

"He's right" I said "Kristoff, listen, I'll help you with your Anna problems after Broadway practice. Come on Eugene" Eugene and I got up and started towards the main school building.

"Who in their right mind would want us to practice for a show at this time of night" Eugene complained. Normally, I would agree with him, but I had to point something out.

"Eugene, it's only five o clock" I stated

"I knew that" He said. I rolled my eyes, but didn't have time to reprimand him because we were already at the auditorium. The girls were already there with Zara, matching pitch. Eugene and I walked up to them.

"You're two minutes late" Zara barked. No one else but Zara would say you were two minutes late, except maybe Professor Weselton.


"Sorry" Eugene and I apologized as the girls silently snickered behind us.

"Just get up there and get ready to sing your songs" After an hour practice, Zara finally let us go, but not before saying

"Having a talent is not easy, but you have got to stick with it"

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