Chapter 12: Training

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Elsa's POV

The next morning, the girls and I got out of bed early so we could avoid any questions that people going to first period would have. We found the training room, and I have to say it looke pretty high tech. There were gymnastics mats for us to train on and not get hurt. Weapons lined the walls and I only hoped that they were harmless. Rapunzel pulled on a sweatshirt that mathed her sweat pants and Anna and Merida did the same. Once we were all set up and ready, Punzie walked over towards the rock wall and looked at it up and down.

"You need to use a harness" said a voice from the door. Jack.

"I knew that" Punz said, obviously she hadn't known.

"You're just like Eugene, you would make a great couple" Jack commented

"He's disgusting"

"She's disgusting" Eugene and Punz said at the same time

"They even talk in sync" Merida said

"It's a match made in heaven" Anna said, watching poor Punzie blush.

"Speaking of matches made in heaven, What about you and Hans" Punz asked. The girls and I all knew that Anna and Hans had something going on, but Merida, Punz, and I just found him a little creepy.

"There's something weird about him" Merida said

"Someone finally agrees with me" Kristoff said

"He's not weird, he's very nice, and how can you judge someone you just met" Anna growled. She was right, but the only person in the room who actually liked Hans was Anna.

"Let's just stat this training thing" Punz said, harnessing herself in

"You also need a spotter" Jack pointed out

"Eugene, get you r butt over here, you're going to be my spotter" Punz yelled. Eugene rolled his eyes, grabbed a helmet and a harness and scaled the wall to where Punz was. He made sure that he was next to Rapunzel and that she wouldn't fall.

"Perfect couple" Jack said in a sing-song voice. There were two rock walls, so I decided to go and climb the other one, and Jack decided that he would be my spotter. Every now and then, Jack and I would stop climbing to talk or to look down where Hiccup was teaching Merida how to do a backflip, and Anna was teaching Kristoff a cool sequence he could do with a sword. Finally, we all decided to stop for lunch before continuing again. This would be a long and very fun day.

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