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Agents ran as the hulk landed on the helicarrier.Grandpa Fury ran out to the landing bridge. Thank you hulk"I said crying as he out me down. I ran to grandpa a jumped in his arms as I cried. Hulk started turning to Bruce.Agent gave him clothes. What happened?"Fury asked. Hydra"Bruce gasped out. I want my Mama?"I said crying. Maria is doing it as we speak"Fury said. I started to fall asleep. I woke up in my room I looked around panicking. I knew I was in my room but what if a hydra agent was still in the compound. I walked to my door and cracked the door open the coast was clear so I took that chance and made a run for the next hallway. I ran all the way to the main room. the whole team was sitting there and mama and Tony were sitting there. Mama! I yelled and ran to her. Ha its ok im here"she said rubbing my back. Dont leave me"I say crying.

little Miss RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now