pushed and pushed

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I sat in my pose as the music started. I danced to the beat. Stop''Madam said. You don't look ellagent at all again"She yelled. Bye the end of the day the blisters on my feet were as big as my pinky. Pietro had been training with the other guys so I would see him and we would talk threw the sign language Uncle Clint taught use. He asked me how I was doing I told him that I wanted to go home and that I missed Mama. He told me they would find use before we new it. But I had to disagree with that it had been a two months since our kidnapping. They were pushinge harder and harder I was now fighting older girl and was a level 9 in gymnastics and doing ballei turn only the wemon were learning. To say that they were pishing me was an understatement. I was pinning a older girl down when they said the unthinkable. Snap it"Madam siad. I stood up and looked at them like they were crazy. Do it or its to the basement"She said. I didn'tknow what the basement was but I always heard girls screaming from down there. But these a I couldn't  do I was only six years old. I shock my haed I couldn't do this. Get her"Madam said. My eyes widened as they grabbed me. I tried to wiggle out of thier grips but failed seeing as I was only six. They dragged me down stairs. I wiggled on rheir gripp. Peitro saw me and tried to run to me I reached out for him but he was electrocuted. NO "I yelled. As he shaked on the ground. They draged me down the stairs. They locked me in a room blood was on the floor. I sat there tears in my eyes. Big guys came into the room with things in things that could hurt me. Ah little Romanoff how I missed torturing your poor mama"He said. I started getting mad. He started whipping me the pain is unbarable I started screaming in pain. I heard noise up stairs. The guy hitting me stopped. Finish this I will go check and see what happened up there. The guy left and the other guy stepped up and started hitting me with his fist. I blocked my face as he continued. A piece of concrete fell on him. I stood up ignoring the pain and ran back up the stairs and saw dead bodys. I ran threw the dance room and saw a iron suit. Daddy!I yelled running  toward Tony. He stepped out of the suit and picked me up. Daddy"I said crying. Russia I found her guys but we need medical evac immediately" Daddy said. After he said that I started feeling pain and the world went black.

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