the problem

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The team ws sitting together waiting for Russia to wake up when they heard a scream. They all ran to the source the lab and saw Russia screaming  and Bruce trying to comfort her. They ran to her each trying different ways to calm her down only making her more sarred and scream louder. They didn't notice the hulk was out tell he talked and seemed to get her out of her paic attack.

                                 Two weeks later
Russia still hadn't got better she would barely eat she wouldn't talk to anyone but Natasha and Bruce witch sadned everyone. She would wake up in the middle of the night screaming. To say they were tired was an understatement. Natasha I don't want to over step my boundries on your your parenting but my kids haven't got proper sleep in two weeks" Clint said. Natasha looked at him as evryone stiffined. You don't know half of what she went threw because I made Bruce not put it on the paperwork" Tony said. What do mean?'' Luara asked. Natasha you can't keep hiding things and Tony you can't keep heping" Steve said. Maybe it's a need to know basis" Loki said shrugging. It is"Bruce said. It cant be that bad that you can't tell use and we wont understand" Sam said. She was rapped many times by different men are you happy you know now" Natasha said standing and walking out the room. Tony and Bruce left as everyone sat there thinking about what just happened. Thats... she needs to see a therapist" Bucky said. They looked at him. It helped me" he said. Natasha walked to Russias room an idea in mind. Russia was sitting on her be reading. Mushka I have an idea" she said. What mama?" She said curious. Lets go to the spa" Natasha said. I realt dont want peopl um touching me" she said looking down. Natasha nodded and sat wit her daughter. Mama tell me the truth am I bothering people?" She asked. No your not they were just miss informed on somethings but they are fine" Mama said.

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