lets talk

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No she should not have even had that thought" Sam said. Why shouldn't she don't you see that noone here wanted me around I disturb the only peace any of you get" It's fealed with my screams because I wasn't strong enough to save my own self  i'm just adding to the problems why can't you see that because I can" I said angry. Russia" He started but I cut him off. Dont lie to me Sam I might be young but I am not dumb" I snapped. I don't think of you that way" he siad. Really because your friends don't I've felt since I came here they dont like me I understand now but then I didn't because I was a child who was going threw new things and almost everyday I had to go threw people yelling saying I shouldn't have been born" I can hear it now Russia shouldn't bee alive". Why did you have to go and have that child and break bucky's heart". Nat you are terrible with children why did you get yourself in the situation to have one" But I love y mama and I think she is great with for me but I don't think I'm great for her" I stood and looked at the one way mirrior. Are you happy now I finally wish I wasn't born you got what you wished" I yelled and ran to my room. I had noticed even the people that used to talk to me have stoped. Cooper would flirt with me any time of the day now he would move away from like I was some parasite and if I was walking his way he would get up and leave. Lala would just ignore me know like I wasn't there at all. I jumped on my bed. If they really wanted to help they can start by going back in time and fixing my child hood.  I heard a knock but I didn't make a move to answer it. I stayed in my spot wishing the person would go away. Friday can you read me a story a happy story?" I ask. Yes of course Russia she played BFG. She read me to sleep and that night friday became my new friend.

I was woken up by arms shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and saw. Mama, daddy, and Bruce. They sat with me not mentioning my out burst to the other's I knew they had seen the video. We just talked about as many happy times as we could tell we all to tired to move and getting comfy on my huge bed. I love you and always will" mama said before finding a spot on my bed. Your my little munchkin and I would trade you for the world" daddy said getting comfy with mama. Little bunny you know your my best friend and I would do anything to protect you and I would be miserable without you like I was before" Bruce says laying on the bed. I found my smiling for the first time since the wedding. I was happy for now but how long would that last what would disturb the peace next.

little Miss RomanoffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang