1: Too Different

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I think I was 18 at the time this all happened. I lived in a city, which was the city that lead to the bridge. It always snowed on the bridge, even when the city had clear, sunny skies. The bridge lead to the other society. People in my city called it the "Other Side." Creative, I know. Just kidding, back to my story. I lived alone for awhile while my parents worked for the government. My mom worked for the government in my city, while my dad worked for the government on the Other Side. They didn't work for either government for long, considering both of them are cut off from the rest of the world because both governments found out about them. I guess a human dating an Entity is illegal for both societies, but it was ok for an Entity to possess a human. Then again, killing Entities were allowed in my city.

I crossed the bridge to the Other Side. I lived there for a few days, then came back. The reason why I crossed the bridge in the first place was because I'm not normal. I was chased out of the city by the police and I ran across the bridge, which is when the police stopped chasing me. One of the rules were to never cross the bridge under any circumstances. I threw that rule out the window.

Also, what I mean by "I'm not normal," I mean that I'm not fully human. I have some of the abilities of an Entity. So, of course, I was looked down upon.

I look human and sound human. Why isn't that enough?

This thought ran through my mind as I crossed the bridge to the Other Side. It was cold and snow fell from the sky. I eventually made it to the end of the bridge. It was nighttime there. Everything looked like an exact copy of the city, except there was no color. It was just black and white, like an old movie with no sound or color. Everything was silent. There was snow everywhere. I walked through the city, my footsteps didn't make a single sound. It was as if I wasn't walking at all. I was confused and frightened.

What the hell is this? Why is everything like this?

As I walked, I felt weak and uneasy. I knew I wasn't supposed to be there. I thought that maybe I felt the weight of guilt, since I knew I didn't belong in the Other Side. I heard a sound coming from my right. It sounded like something fell. It was the first sound I heard in the Other Side. I looked towards my right and found shards of glass on the ground. I also found rolled up paper. I picked up the paper and unrolled it. It was a note.

Nobody in this place have treated me as an equal. I'm an Entity, just like everyone else. Why am I belittled? How am I different?

This Entity feels the same way I do. I wonder who wrote this.

I kept the note with me and started walking away, but something stopped me dead in my tracks. A group of Entities stood in front of me. One of them spoke.

"I didn't know they had a kid. Whatcha doin' here?" The male voice said.

I was scared. I knew exactly who "they" was, my parents. I mustered up the courage to speak anyway.

"I-I was just about to leave..."

Another Entity, who was a female responded, "Really? We were about to send you away. Permanently."

I ran as fast as I could. I zoomed my way back across the bridge. {Zooming is one of the abilities of an Entity. You basically turn into a ball of darkness and fly really fast, leaving a dark streak behind you, which disappears in a matter of seconds.} I crossed the bridge back to my home city. The Entities stopped chasing me after I entered the bridge, of course, but for some reason, I felt like there was an Entity missing. I brushed it off and didn't think much of it. I was just glad to be back home, even though I wasn't treated like everyone else. Later that night when I went to sleep, I had nightmares that repeatedly woke me up. Everytime I went back to sleep, I would wake up again because of a nightmare. I thought I had these nightmares because I went to the Other Side. So, I was tired the next day. I remember the whole day was exhausting. I didn't do much though, so I thought I was getting sick because I didn't feel good. However, I discarded that thought because this feeling lasted for more than three weeks.

On the fourth week of exhaustion, I heard a voice. He spoke after I woke up one morning.

"Good morning, host." He said in a calm tone.

I was really confused. I thought I had gone crazy. I looked around, only to find no one.

Who said that?

"I did. What's your name?" The voice spoke again.

"What? I didn't even say anything."

"I can hear your thoughts. Anyway, tell me your name, host."

"Host?" I asked, still confused.

"Answer my question first, then I'll answer yours." He demanded.

"Um, I'm Finley. Who are you?"

"I'm Corruption, an Entity from the Other Side."

"You're trying to posses me, aren't you?"

"Wow, you catch on quick. I've been trying to force my way into your mind for a bit and I've learned a few things. You're not like any other host I've come across, that's for sure."

"I won't be possessed that easily. Also, it's not right to force your way into someone's head."

"Well, it's ok for me to do it. Finely, you can't resist me. I know your secret and your insecurities. You don't want people to know that you have the abilities of an Entity. No one has seen your power to its full extent. Everyone just thinks your a criminal because your powers only slipped out.  You're afraid-"

"Shut up..."

He laughed at me, "How amusing. You'll never admit that you're afraid. You don't want to face it, so you run away from these problems."

"Just stop. Get out of my head." I said angrily.

"No, I won't back down now. You're my host, whether you like it or not."

From this point on, this was my life. I was stuck with the Entity of Corruption.

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