18: Bitter

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We both stood up. I looked at Isaac and he laughed.

He's laughing?

"I can't believe you punched Arthur in the face! That was amazing!"

That was the first time I saw Isaac so happy. I couldn't help but laugh too. After all, laughter is contagious.

I saw Serena, who ran towards me and hugged me tightly. My laughter stopped.

Serena cried, "I thought you weren't coming back...I was so scared! I'm sorry!"

My eyes widened, "Sorry? For what? You have every right to be mad at me. I was scared to tell you because I don't want to put you in danger."

"I know, I figured...I would like it if you tell me eventually though." She said as she wiped her tears away.

I nodded, "Of course I will."

She smiled, "Thank you, and sorry for getting mad at you without letting you explain yourself. That wasn't nice of me."

"Don't worry, I get it. I know that you're just looking out for me. So, thank you." I said with a smile.

Serena looked at Isaac, "Um...who's this?"

"Oh, I'm Isaac. I guess we've never actually met?" He said with a nervous smile.

I laughed, "Yeah, he's usually in my head, but he's in his other form right now."

Serena smiled, "Oh, I didn't know Entities had another form. That's cool!"

Isaac glared at me, "Finley, why didn't she know this already? Aren't you supposed to be spreading your father's teachings?"

I looked at him confused, "Are you scolding me? Also, I don't think he would ask me to do that because he believed words hit hard, but actions hit harder."

"Anyway, tell me where you're going next time you leave, Finley. I was terrified when I checked on you and you weren't there." Serena chimed in.

I frowned, "Sorry, I didn't want to disturb you while you were mad."

She sighed, "It's alright, I'm just relieved that you're back in one piece. I'm going to the kitchen to get a snack. Do you want anything?"

"No, thanks. I'll be in my room if you need me." I said as I walked towards my room. Isaac followed me.

Serena smiled and walked into the kitchen, "Alright."

Isaac and I entered my room. I sat on my bed, while Isaac sat on the floor.

"Hey, Finley. What Arthur said about your father...do you actually believe that?" Isaac asked in a doubtful tone.

I sighed, "Well, I don't know. It doesn't seem impossible, but if my father started a war, wouldn't his people hate him?"

He smiled, "Yes, that's why Arthur accused your father." His smile faded into a frown, "I'm not innocent either. Arthur and I...we started that war. I was willing to take the blame, but Arthur forced me to keep my mouth shut."

My eyes widened, "W-Why did he blame my father?"

"Arthur always wanted to be a leader. To him, your father was an obstacle. Of course, everyone believed your father over my brother. It was only when everyone found out your father broke a rule that Arthur saw an opportunity."

I looked down in rage.

I can't believe this!

At that moment, as if on cue, my phone started ringing. I looked at my phone.

Well...here goes nothing.

I answered, "Hello?"

I knew Arthur was more angry than ever, but his voice remained calm.

"The ice is cracking beneath your feet. I think it's time for a punishment."

Isaac, how bad is this going to be?

He frowned and turned away without answering.

I sighed, trying to remain calm.

"What is it?" I asked.

Arthur laughed, "Give me a list of people you know."

I was confused and looked down.

This doesn't seem like a punishment...maybe there's something else to this?

"I know Isaac, Connor, Parker, Edward, Victoria and you."

"Not so fast, Finley. You're missing a person, aren't you?" His tone was more annoyed this time.

I fell silent, then finally answered, "Serena..."

"Thank you, that is all."

Arthur hung up the phone and I put my phone away. I sat on my bed, feeling defeated.

Announcement: hey everyone! I appreciate the reads and votes! I'm sorry I haven't been able to write for awhile. School takes up a lot of my time. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you!

~ Sparrow

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